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1032 factsheets
The media (video, radio, print media, internet and email) play a significant part in spreading information on SSWM and in awareness raising. They…
Last updated 14 Junho 2019
The media (video, radio, print media, internet and email) play a significant part in spreading information on SSWM and in awareness raising. They…
Last updated 14 Junho 2019
The media (video, radio, print media, internet and email) play a significant part in spreading information on SSWM and in awareness raising. They…
Last updated 14 Junho 2019
The media (video, radio, print media, internet and email) play a significant part in spreading information on SSWM and in awareness raising. They…
The media (video, radio, print media, internet and email) play a significant part in spreading information on SSWM and in awareness raising. They…
Last updated 16 Junho 2019
The media (video, radio, print media, internet and email) play a significant part in spreading information on SSWM and in awareness raising. They…
Last updated 16 Junho 2019
The media (video, radio, print media, internet and email) play a significant part in spreading information on SSWM and in awareness raising. They…
Last updated 16 Junho 2019
Safe excreta disposal is a high priority task in emergencies. The choice of the optimal sanitation facility depends on different factors such as the…
Last updated 09 Junho 2019
Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) are treatment processes, which integrate a perm-selective or semi-permeable membrane with a biological process (JUDD 2011…
Last updated 03 Junho 2019
MBRs combine conventional biological treatment processes with membrane filtration to provide an advanced level of organic and suspended solids…
Last updated 16 Abril 2019
Membranes are thin and porous sheets of material able to separate contaminants from water when a driving force is applied. Once considered a viable…
Last updated 22 Maio 2019
Last updated 04 Setembro 2019
Micro basins are a common technique used in agriculture to collect surface run-off, increase water infiltration and prevent soil erosion. Their…
Last updated 04 Abril 2019
Traditional banks do not usually reach the rural population and are not interested in giving small loans to low-income families. For this reason,…
Last updated 22 Junho 2019
This case study supports and illustrates the theoretic factsheet "Microfinance for safe water businesses" with practical insights.
Last updated 23 Agosto 2018
Microfinance also known as microcredits allows businesses, individuals or communities to purchase goods, services, or equipment without paying for it…
Last updated 12 Agosto 2019