solution finder

solution finder

Inclusive innovation and service delivery

Your clients, your employees and other entrepreneurs are potential partners. They have expertise, resources and know their community and its needs. Involving them in your company’s decisions and activities can benefit them and improve your business. Work together!

Including low-income groups into water and sanitation value chains as producers, employees and entrepreneurs can create socioeconomic benefits for those living in poverty and provide you with market expertise (that is usually lacking around BoP markets) or innovative ideas to serve BoP markets. If you have the ambition to improve services at the BoP, you are well-advised to identify and realize opportunities to engage BoP customers and target groups in your endeavor. 

Make use of materials that are available to you. Many micro-entrepreneurs deliver water using wheelbarrows and trucks. Water and sanitation kiosks can improve community cooperation and collect information on what people need. Members of the community can manually operate and maintain their water and sanitation systems.

Browse the factsheets to explore these and other ideas.

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