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Module 3: A Guide to Successful NaWaTech Projects

Setting the foundation for the sustainability of a NaWaTech system starts right at the beginning of your project, during the first meetings with your client and the first site visits. The process of ensuring the sustainability continues by means of a sound execution of the construction works and the timely and targeted planning of operation and maintenance to ensure that the client will maintain and operate the system correctly.

This NaWaKit module provides practice-oriented tips and tricks guiding you through the project phases to ensure that the NaWaTech systems are planned, designed and constructed keeping in mind the operation and maintenance needed to sustain them. This module is composed of 3 factsheets: Technology Selection and DesignImplementation of NaWaTech Projects and Safety and O&M Management.

Building the baseline for the fate of the whole project, the Technology Selection and Design factsheet describes principles for preparing a project and selecting the appropriate technologies. Moreover, critical aspects to be considered during the design are listed in this factsheet.

To be better prepared for managing the tendering and contracting, and for smoothing the construction and commissioning in the Indian context, practitioners have put together their lessons learnt in the factsheet Implementation of NaWaTech Projects.

The third factsheet, Safety and O&M Management introduces a “way-of-thinking for systematically preparing and managing operation and maintenance following seven planning steps. The reader will be guided to identify and prioritise critical O&M and monitoring activities and to prepare the necessary supporting materials, such as operator checklists, work plans for plant supervision and monitoring plans.

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