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30 factsheets
A facilitator is literally defined as “one who helps others to learn or who helps to make things easy.” A facilitator helps participants to…
Last updated 30 June 2019
Zambia is a land-locked Sub-Saharan African country sharing boundaries with eight countries, having a total land area of 752’612 km2 and a population…
Last updated 27 April 2018
This case study supports and illustrates the theoretic factsheet "Feasibility Study - Understanding the why and how of your market" with practical…
Last updated 23 August 2018
There exist several new processes, which aim at recover the nutrients, mainly phosphorus from sewage sludge. ASH DEC for instance refers to N-P-K…
Last updated 27 May 2019
Urine in the ecosystem causes eutrophication or algae blooms, which suffocates fish and kills aquatic ecosystems. Urine is so effective at helping…
Last updated 27 May 2019
This fictive case study supports and illustrates the theoretic factsheet "Blended finance" with practical insights.
Last updated 23 August 2018
Field trenches increase precipitation harvesting by breaking the slope of the ground and therefore reducing the velocity of water runoff. By…
Last updated 04 April 2019
To decommission a pit, it can simply be filled with soil and covered. Although there is no received benefit, the full pit poses no immediate health…
Last updated 28 May 2019
This case study supports and illustrates the theoretic factsheet "Financial analysis: activity-based costing" with practical insights.
Last updated 23 August 2018
Financial analysis allows a company to overview its costs and identifies potential cost positions that could be lowered to become more effective per…
Last updated 12 August 2019
Financial Management is a vital task for every company and should always draw the attention of an entrepreneur. This factsheet covers three distinct…
Last updated 07 May 2019
Financial planning is important for every safe water enterprise in order to start its activities and plan the financial needs of the company from a…
Last updated 12 August 2019
Financing WASH Services sustainably – in the sense of securing service delivery after implementation – has proven to be a challenge. Providing…
Last updated 30 June 2019
Last updated 27 April 2018
Fish can be grown in ponds that receive effluent or sludge where they can feed on algae and other organisms that grow in the nutrient-rich water. The…
Last updated 26 May 2019