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1032 factsheets
Mind mapping is a diagram technique to generate, visualise, structure and class-ify ideas, and is used as an aid to organising information and…
Last updated 07 Julho 2019
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Reporters at the UK’s BBC broadcasting service were among the first to use smartphones to record material suitable for broadcast. BBC reporter…
Last updated 04 Abril 2018
Mobile reporting has dramatically changed the face of journalism. Almost all smartphones now have both a camera and a microphone that allow the…
Last updated 23 Fevereiro 2018
In early 2012, a reporter from Al Jazeera sent footage he had filmed secretly in Syria back to the studio, and this material was some of the first…
Last updated 07 Maio 2018
Last updated 16 Abril 2019
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
“What gets measured gets done” (Drucker, 1954)Monitoring is the routine to collect data and information on activities and operations (e.g. from…
Last updated 12 Agosto 2019