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1032 factsheets
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) is a method of collecting and conserving surface runoff rain water for storage and use or for groundwater recharge. RWH…
Last updated 16 Abril 2019
Rooftop rainwater harvesting (RTRWH) is the most common technique of rainwater harvesting (RWH) for domestic consumption. In rural areas, this is…
Last updated 13 Junho 2019
Rooftop rainwater harvesting (RTRWH) is the most common technique of rainwater harvesting (RWH) for domestic consumption. It can be done easily,…
Last updated 13 Junho 2019
Rapid sand filtration is a purely physical drinking water purification method. Rapid sand filters (RSF) provide rapid and efficient removal of…
Last updated 21 Maio 2019
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Last updated 21 Agosto 2018
Last updated 07 Fevereiro 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
In humanitarian crises, hygiene promotion campaigns are conducted by different types of facilitators, who need to be recruited and trained by the…
Last updated 05 Dezembro 2018
Humans use over half of all accessible water runoff. Of total water use less than 10% is used for domestic use. Households are the smallest consumers…
Last updated 06 Maio 2019
Water savings can be achieved in industry through a combination of changing behaviour, modifying and/or replacing equipment with water saving…
Last updated 06 Maio 2019
When a training or workshop has taken place, it is important to write a report about it to communicate the results to the participants, to reflect…
Last updated 07 Julho 2019