Solar Pasteurisation
Solar pasteurisation is the process of pasteurisation using solely solar thermal energy. It is mostly applied for water. It is applied by using a solar cooker that can absorb solar thermal energy and transmit it to a black container e.g. a black jar. Typically, the significant time of heating by solar heat and cooling down contributes to the pasteurisation process.
Applied to water, the solar pasteurisation (heating to 60°C (140°F)) can inactivate both bacteria and rotaviruses, the main causes for severe diarrhea in children.
Synonyms and Abbreviation
Solar Pasteurization
Perspective Structure
- Absorption
- Absorption Chiller
- Accumulation System
- Acetogenesis
- Acidic
- Activated Sludge
- Adsorption
- Adult Learning
- Advanced Facultative Pond
- Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond
- Advanced Oxidation Process
- Advanced Wastewater Treatments
- Advection Fog
- Advisory Services in Environmental Management
- Advocacy
- Aerated Pond
- Aerobic
- Aerobic Digestion
- Aerobic Pond
- Aerobic Wastewater Treatment
- Aeroponic
- Aerotolerant
- African Development Bank
- African Development Fund
- African Ministers Conference On Water
- African Union
- Agenda 21
- Aggregation formation
- Agricultural Issues
- Agricultural Wastewater
- Air Stripping
- Algae Settling Pond
- Algal Bloom
- Alkaline
- Alkalinity
- Alluvial River
- Alum
- Ammonia
- Ammonium
- Anaerobic
- Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation
- Anaerobic Baffled Reactor
- Anaerobic Biogas Digester
- Anaerobic Biogas Settler
- Anaerobic Digestion
- Anaerobic Filter
- Anaerobic Pond
- Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Process
- Anal Cleansing Water
- Anammox Bacteria
- Anoxic
- Application of Pit Humus and Compost
- Application of Sludge
- Apron
- Aqua Privy
- Aquaculture
- Aquaponic
- Aquifer
- Arborloo
- Arid
- Arsenate
- Arsenite
- Artesian Spring
- Artificial Fertiliser
- Artificial Groundwater Recharge
- Automated irrigation
- Automatic Surge Flow and Gravitational Tank Irrigation System
- Awareness Raising
- Awareness Raising for Demand Creation
- Backflush Valve
- Background
- Backwash
- Bacteria
- Bank Filtration
- Basic Sanitation
- Basic Services to the Urban Poor
- Basin Irrigation
- Batch Reactor
- Beneficiary Assessment
- Bin Composting
- Bio-char
- Biodegradable
- Biodegradation
- Biodiesel
- Biofilm
- Biogas
- Biogas Combustion
- Biological Oxygen Demand
- Biological Oxygen Demand 5
- Biological Treatment
- Biological Wastewater Treatment
- Biomass
- Bioremediation
- Biosolid
- Bittern
- Blackwater
- Blue Water Footprint
- Boiler Feed Water
- Border Irrigation
- Borehole Latrine
- Bottle Irrigation
- Bottled water
- Boundary Kit
- Brackish water
- Brownwater
- Bund
- Business Model Canvas
- Cadmium
- Calcination Kiln
- California Water Environment Association
- Calorific Value
- Capacity-Linked water and sanitation for Africa's peri-urban and Rural Areas
- Capillary water
- Capillary Zone
- Capital Cost
- Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio
- Cartage
- Catchment Area
- Central American Industrial Research Institute
- Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
- Centralised System
- Centralised Water Supply
- Cesspit
- Channelling
- Channels/Drains
- Charcoal
- Chemical Oxygen Demand
- Chemical Sedimentation
- Chemical Treatment
- Chlorination
- Chlorination (centralised)
- Cholera
- Cistern Flush Toilet
- City Sanitation Plan
- City Sanitation Task Force
- Clay Pot and Porous Capsule Irrigation Network
- Clean Development Mechanism
- Co-composting
- Coagulant
- Coagulation
- Coagulation-Flocculation
- COD/BOD5 Ratio
- Coliform Bacteria
- Collection and Storage/Treatment
- Colloidal Silver
- Combined Cycle Power Plant
- Combined Heat and Power
- Combined Sewer
- Combined Sewer Overflow
- Command and Control Tools
- Command Area
- Commercial Utility
- Community Action Planning
- Community Aided Total Sanitation
- Community Based Organisation
- Community Health Clubs
- Community-led Total Sanitation
- Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation
- Compact Constructed Wetland
- Completely Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal Over Nitrite
- Compost
- Compost Filter
- Compost Pile
- Composting
- Composting Chamber
- Composting Pit
- Composting Toilet
- Compressor
- Condominial Sewer
- Condominial Sewerage
- Confined Aquifers
- Conjunctiveuse
- Conservation Agriculture
- Conservation Tillage
- Consortium for Dissemination of DEWATS
- Constant Vacuum System
- Constructed Wetland
- Contact time
- Contingency Planning
- Continuous Stirred-tank Reactor
- Contour Bunds
- Conventional Biological Treatment
- Conventional Gravity Sewer
- Conveyance
- Cooling Tower
- Cooling Water
- Core Humanitarian Standard
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporation of Kochi
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Creating an Enabling Environment
- Crop Rotation
- Cryptosporidium
- Cyst
- Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)
- Decentralisation
- Decentralised Treatment System
- Decentralised Wastewater Treatment System
- Decentralised Water Supply
- Decentralized Treatment System
- Deciding with the Community
- Decision Making Tools
- Decomposition
- Deep dug well
- Deep Shaft
- Deep Well
- Definition of Boundaries
- Dehydration of Faeces
- Dehydration Vaults
- Demand Creation
- Demand Creation Introduction
- Denitrification
- Denitrifying Ammonium Oxidation
- Deoxyribonucleic Acid
- Department for Housing and Infrastructure Development
- Department for International Development
- Department for Water Affairs
- Department of Infrastructure and Support Services
- Desludging
- Detailed Project Report
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
- Dewatering
- Diammonium Phosphate
- Diarrhoea
- Diesel Generator
- Digestate
- Dioxins
- Direct Surface Groundwater Recharge
- Disinfection
- Disinfection By-product
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Distributed Energy Resource
- District Water, Sanitation and Health Education Committees
- Double Entry Accrual Accounting System
- Double Pit Latrine
- Double Ventilated Improved Pit
- Dried Faeces
- Drilled Well
- Drilling Fluid
- Drinking Water
- Drip Irrigation
- Dry Cleansing Material
- Dry Digestion
- Dry Toilet
- Drying Bed
- Dual Flush Toilet
- E-waste
- Ecological Sanitation
- Ecological Society of America
- eCompendium
- Economic Issues
- Economic Tools
- Ecosan Project Steps
- Ecosystem Services
- Ecoville
- Effective Microorganism
- Effluent
- Electric Conductivity
- Emergency
- Emergency Phases
- Emergency Response Unit
- Emerging Technology
- End-of-pipe
- End-Use
- Energiser
- Energy
- Engine
- Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal
- Ensuring Sustainability
- Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli
- Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli
- Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
- Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
- Environmental Council of Zambia
- Environmental Flow
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Issues
- Environmental Sanitation
- Escherichia Coli
- European Community
- Eutrophication
- Evaporation
- Evaporation Bed
- Evapotranspiration
- Ex-situ Target Population
- Excreta
- Executing
- Exploring Tools
- External Combustion Engine
- External Water
- F-diagram
- Facultative Pond
- Faecal Coliform
- Faecal Indicator Bacteria
- Faecal Sludge
- Faecal Sludge Management
- Faeces
- Faecophile
- Faecophobic
- Feedstock
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Fenton
- Fermentation
- Ferric Chloride
- Ferric Sulphate
- Fertigation
- Fertigation Water
- Fertiliser
- Field Capacity
- Field Trenches
- Filtrate
- Filtration
- Financial Sustainability of WASH Services
- Financing
- First Flush Device
- Fish Pond
- Fixed Bed Reactor
- Fixed-film System
- Floating Plant Ponds
- Floc
- Flocculation
- Flotation
- Flow Rate
- Fluidised-bed incinerator
- Flush Urinal
- Flushing Point
- Flushwater
- Flux
- Fog
- Fog Drip
- Food Products
- Forage
- Fossa Alterna
- Fouling
- Framework Issues
- Free-Water Surface Constructed Wetland
- Freshwater
- Fuel Cell
- Fulvic Acids
- Functional Group
- Gantt Chart
- Gas Turbine
- Gathering Ideas
- Gender-Based Violence or Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
- Generator
- Generator
- Geographic Information System
- Geotextile
- German Development Bank
- Giardia
- Global Water Partnership
- Government of India
- Government of Kerala
- Granulometry
- Gravel Pack
- Gravitational Water
- Gravity Spring
- Grease trap
- Greater Kochi Development Authority
- Green water
- Green Water Footprint
- Greenhouse gas
- Greenhouse-gas
- Grey Water Footprint
- Greywater
- Grinder Pump
- Grit
- Grit Chamber
- Groundwater
- Groundwater Dam
- Groundwater Recharge
- Groundwater Recharge
- Gully
- Gully Erosion
- Gully Plug
- Gulper
- Hand Pump
- Hand-dug well
- Hardware
- Hazardous waste
- Health
- Health and Hygiene Issues
- Healthcare Waste
- Heat Engine
- Heavy Metal
- Helminth
- Herbicide
- High Rate Algae Pond
- High-pressure membranes
- High-rate Digestion
- High-strength
- High-Strength Calcium Hypochlorite
- Horizontal Learning
- Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland
- Household and Industry Reuse
- Household-Centred Environmental Sanitation
- Household-level Drinking Water Treatment
- Household-level Water Treatment and Safe Storage
- Human-Powered Emptying and Transport
- Human-powered Water Distribution
- Humic Acids
- Humification
- Humus
- Hybrid Constructed Wetland
- Hydraulic Conductivity
- Hydraulic Gradient
- Hydraulic Head
- Hydraulic Retention Time
- Hydrocyclone Separator
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Hydrolysis
- Hydroponic
- Hydropower
- Hydropower Small Scale
- Hygiene Frameworks and Approaches
- Hyperthermophile
- Icebreaker
- ICRA Management Consulting Services
- Imhoff Tank
- Immediate Emergency Phase
- Implementation Support Tools
- Improved Drinking Water Sources
- Improved Sanitation
- In situ rainwater harvesting
- In-situ Target Population
- Incineration
- Indicator
- Indicator Organism
- Industrial Ecology
- Industrial Symbiosis
- Industrial Wastewater
- Infiltration Basins
- Influent
- informal
- Information, Education, Communication
- Inoculum
- Inspection Chamber
- Intake
- Integrated Urban Water Management
- Integrated Water Resources Management
- Integrity
- Integrity Change Process
- Integrity Management
- Inter-Agency Standing Committee
- Interceptor tank
- Interface Valve
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
- Internally Displaced People
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- International Development Enterprise
- International Financing Institutions
- International Rescue Committee
- Intestinal Worms
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Invert
- Ion Exchange
- Irrigation
- Islamic State in Iraq and Levant and Islamic
- Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
- Jerrycan
- Kerala State Pollution Control Board
- Kerala Water Authority
- Kilowatt-electric
- Lacto-fermentation
- Lake
- Landfill
- Large-scale Hydro Power
- Leach Field
- Leachate
- Lead
- Learning Needs Analyses
- Life-Cycle Cost Approach
- Lime
- Linear alkylbenzenesulfonate
- Lining
- Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development
- Liquified Petroleum Gas
- Log Reduction
- Logical Framework Approach
- Low-flush Toilet
- Low-pressure membranes
- Low-rate Digestion
- Low-solids Digestion
- Macrophyte
- Man-made Reservoir
- Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Manhole
- Manual Pit Emptying Technology
- Marginal Cost
- Mass-burn Incinerator
- Maximum Contaminant Level
- Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
- Mechanical uses
- Mechanised Water Pumps
- Megacity
- Membrane
- Membrane Bioreactor
- Menstruation
- Menstruation Hygiene Management
- Mesophile
- Mesophilic Composting
- Methane
- Methanogenesis
- Methylene blue active substances
- Micro basin
- Microcatchment
- Microfiltration
- Micron
- Microorganism
- Micropollutant
- Middle East and Northern Africa
- Minimum Preparedness Actions
- Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response
- Ministry of Energy and Water Development
- Ministry of Legal Government and Housing
- Ministry of Urban Development of India
- Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids
- Modular Incinerator
- Moisture Control
- Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
- Monitoring
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Most Probable Number
- Motor
- Motorised Emptying and Transport
- Motorised Water Pumps
- Moving Bed Reactor
- Mulch
- Multi-cluster /sector Initial Rapid Needs Assessment
- Multiple Uses
- Municipal Solid Waste
- Municipal Wastewater
- Nanofiltration
- National Action Plan on Climate Change
- National Advisory Group on Urban Sanitation
- National Urban Sanitation Policy
- National Water Supply and Sanitation Council
- Natural Coagulant
- Natural organic matter
- Natural Water Purification
- NaWaKit
- Needs assessment for refugee emergencies (NARE)
- Negative Externality
- Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
- Netherlands Development Organisation
- NETSSAF Participatory Planning Approach
- New Partnership for Africa's Development
- Night Soil
- Nitrification
- Nitrified
- Nitrogen
- Nitrogen-Immobilisation
- Non-biodegradable Wastewater
- Non-Governmental Organization
- Non-planted filter
- Non-point Pollution
- NPK Rating
- Nutrient
- Nutrient capacity
- Objective Tree
- Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- Offsite Sanitation
- On-site Storage and Treatments
- On-site Wastewater Treatment
- Onsite Sanitation
- Open Comparative Consequence Analysis
- Open Defecation Field
- Open Defecation Free
- Open Planning of Sanitation Systems
- Operation and Maintenance
- Operation and Maintenance of Water Distribution
- Optimisation of Water Use at Home
- Optimisation of Water Use in Agriculture
- Optimisation of Water Use in Industry
- Organic
- Organic Matter
- Organic Nitrogen
- Organics
- Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e a Agricultura
- Other Water Sources
- Overhung Latrine
- Oxidation
- Oxidation Ditch
- Ozonation
- para-statal
- Parasite
- Participation
- Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation
- Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
- Participatory Planning Tools
- Participatory Rural Appraisal
- Pasteurisation
- Pathogen
- Percolation
- Perfectly Competitive Market
- Perforated Plastic Sleeves
- Permeate
- Permits
- Permselective
- Persian wheel
- Persistent Organic Pollutants
- Person Equivalent
- pH
- Phosphorus
- Photocatalysis
- Photolysis
- Photosynthesis
- Phytoplankton
- Phytoremediation
- Pit Composting Toilet
- Pit Humus
- Pit Latrine
- Pitcher Irrigation
- Plankton
- Planning with the Community
- Planted Drying Beds
- Planting Pits
- Plug-flow Reactor
- Point Source Pollution
- Point-of-Entry
- Point-of-Use
- Pollination
- Polygeneration Plant
- Polyphosphate-accumulating Organism
- Population Equivalent
- Porous and Sectioned Pipes
- Portland Cement
- Potassium
- Pour Flush Toilet
- Pre-Treatment
- Pre-Treatment Products
- Precipitation
- Precipitation Harvesting
- Preliminary Assessment of Current Status
- Presentation Skill
- Pressure Filter
- Pressure System Unit
- Pressurised Sewers
- Primary disinfection
- Primary Treatment
- Process Water
- Product
- Project Design
- Protozoa
- Protracted Refugee Situation
- Psychrophilic
- Public Health Engineering Department
- Public Health Hygiene Education
- Public Private People Partnership
- Pyrolysis
- Quicksilver
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Raipur Municipal Corporation
- Rajiv Awas Yojana
- Rajiv Awas Yojana
- Rapid Gravity Filters
- Rapid Sand Filter
- Reactive Oxygen Species
- Reactor
- Recharge Wells
- Reciprocating Engine
- Reclaimed Water
- Recovery Phase
- Refrigerator
- Refugee
- Rehabilitate, Operate and Transfer
- Reliability of Supply
- Resource Recovery and Safe Reuse
- Restriction in Water Use
- Retention Basin
- Return Period
- Reuse
- Reuse of Blackwater and Greywater in Agriculture
- Reuse of Energy Products form Waste and Wastewater
- Reuse of Urine and Faeces in Agriculture
- Reverse osmosis
- Rhizofiltration
- Rhizome
- Right to Water and Sanitation
- Rill Erosion
- River
- River Regime
- Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting
- Rotating Biological Contactor
- Roughing Filters
- Runoff
- Runoff Coefficient
- Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Unit
- Sand Dam
- Sand River
- Sanitary Seal
- Sanitation
- Sanitation 21
- Sanitation Frameworks and Approaches
- Sanitation Safety Plans
- Sanitation Systems
- Sanitation Technology
- Sanitised
- SARAR approach
- Sawdust
- Scenario
- School-led Total Sanitation
- Screening
- Scum
- Secondary disinfection
- Secondary Treatment
- Sedimentation
- Sedimentation/Thickening Ponds
- Seeding
- Self-esteem, associate strengths, resourcefulness, action planning, responsibility
- Semi-arid
- Semi-centralised Drinking Water Treatments
- Semi-Centralised Treatment
- Semi-circular bunds
- Semipermeable
- Separate Sewers
- Septage
- Septic
- Septic Tank
- Sequence Batch Reactor
- Service Delivery Approach
- Service Level Benchmarks
- Settlement Phase
- Settler
- Sewage
- sewage treatment systems
- Sewer
- Sewer Discharge Stations
- Sewer Force Main
- Sewer Pumping Stations
- Sewerage
- Shadouf
- Shallow dug well
- Shallow Well
- Sheaffer Modular Reclamation and Reuse System
- Short Rotation Plantation
- Simplified Planning Tool
- Simplified Sewer
- Simplified Sewerage
- Single Pit
- Siphon
- Sitter
- Situation and Problem Analysis
- Slow Sand Filter
- Slow-release Fertiliser
- Sludge
- Sludge Thickening
- Sludge Treatment
- Sludge Treatment Facility
- Sludge Volume Index
- Slum
- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Small Scale Systems
- Small-bore Sewer
- Soak Pit
- Socio-Cultural Issues
- Soft Systems Methodology
- Software
- Soil Aquifer Treatment
- Soil Compaction
- Soil Conditioner
- Soil Solarisation
- Solar Pasteurisation
- Solar Water Disinfection
- Solid Waste
- solid waste management
- Solids Retention Time
- Solids-free Sewers
- Sonolysis
- Source Separation
- Southern Africa Development Community
- Spate Irrigation
- Specific Surface Area
- Specific Surface Area
- Spring
- Spring Catchment Area
- Sprinkler Irrigation
- Squatter
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page "Africa"
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page "Gestão Integrada e Sustentável de Água, Saneamento e Segurança Alimentar"
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page "Gestión de Agua y Saneamiento Sostenible en América Latina"
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page "Local Governments for Urban Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management"
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page “Support to the National Urban Sanitation Policy in India”
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page “University Course”
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Pages
- Stabilisation
- Stabilisation Phase
- Stabilised
- Stack Effect
- Stakeholder
- Stakeholder Analysis
- State Sanitation Strategy
- State Urban Sanitation Strategies
- Steam Engine
- STEP Local Governments in Urban Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management
- STEP SSWM in Humanitarian Crises
- STEP SSWM in Humanitarian Crises (ARB)
- Stored Urine
- Stormwater
- Stormwater and Reclaimed Water Reuse
- Stormwater Management
- Strategic Finance Planning
- Strategy
- Stream Erosion
- Struvite
- Struvite Precipitation
- Struvite Reactor
- Subsurface Groundwater Recharge
- Subsurface Irrigation
- Suction
- Sullage
- Supernatant
- Superstructure
- Surface Disposal and Storage
- Surface Groundwater Recharge
- Surface Irrigation
- Surface Water
- Surfactants
- Sustainable
- Sustainable High Rate Ammonium Removal Over Nitrate
- Sustainable Land Management
- Sustainable Sanitation
- Sustainable Sanitation Alliance
- Sustainable Sanitation and Health Development Project
- Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management
- Sustainable Sanitation Center (Xavier University)
- Symbiosis
- Syria Regional Response Plan
- System Template
- System Template
- Temperature
- Terra Preta
- Terra Preta Sanitation
- Tertiary Filtration
- Tertiary Treatment
- The Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
- Thermal Power Plant
- Thermophile
- Thermophilic
- Thermophilic Composting
- Toilet
- Toilet Linked Biogas Plant
- Tools to Ensure Sustainability
- Topsoil
- Total Coliform
- Total Dissolved Solid
- Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
- Total nitrogen
- Total phosphorus
- Total Sanitation Campaign
- Total Solid
- Total Suspended Solid
- Total Volatile Solid
- Toxins
- Tradable Water Rights
- Train-the-Trainers
- Transfer Station
- Transfer Stations and Sewer Discharge Stations
- Transpiration
- Treated Water
- Trench Latrine
- Trickling Filter
- Trihalomethane
- Turbidity
- Turbine
- Twin Pits for Pour Flush
- Typhoid
- Ultra Violet Radiation
- Ultrafiltration
- Unconfined Aquifers
- Unimproved Drinking Water Sources
- United High Commission for Refugees
- United Nations
- United Nations Children’s Fund
- United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
- United Nations High Commission for Refugees
- United Nations High Commission for Refugees
- Unplanted Drying Beds
- Unsaturated Zone
- Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor
- Upstream-Downstream Water Conflict
- Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for small and Medium Towns
- Urban Local Body
- Urea
- Urinal
- Urine
- Urine Diversion
- Urine Diversion Components
- Urine Diverting Dry Toilet
- Urine Storage
- Urine Storage Tank
- Urine-Diverting Flush Toilet
- Use and/or Disposal
- User Interface
- UV-A Radiation
- UV-B Radiation
- UV-C Radiation
- Vacutug
- Vacuum
- Vacuum On Demand
- Vacuum Sewers
- Vacuum Truck
- Vault Composting Toilet
- Vector
- Ventilated Improved Pit
- Ventilation
- Vermicomposting
- Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland
- Vertical Garden
- Virtual Water
- Virus
- Vision
- VLOM pumps
- Volatile Fatty Acid
- Volumetric Organic Load
- Vyredox
- Wadi
- Washer
- Waste Stabilisation Pond
- Wastewater
- Wastewater Collection
- Wastewater Reuse at Home
- Wastewater Treatment
- Water Allocation
- Water and Sanitation Program
- Water Charge
- Water Closet
- Water Distribution
- Water Distribution Networks
- Water Footprint
- Water Footprint Assessment
- Water for basic Human Needs
- Water Frameworks and Approaches
- Water holding capacity
- Water kiosk
- Water Management
- Water Pasteurisation Indicator
- Water Productivity
- Water Purification
- Water Quality Testing
- Water Risk Map
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene Education
- Water Seal
- Water Sources
- Water Supply and Sanitation
- Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
- Water Table
- Water Truck
- Water Use
- Water Use Efficiency
- Water vendors
- Water-borne diseases
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Watering-cans
- Waterless Urinal
- Watershed
- Well Casing
- Well Development
- Well Rehabilitation
- Well Remediation
- Well Screen
- Wet Well
- Windrow Composting
- Wiper
- World Health Organisation
- Xavier University
- Yellow Water
- Zambia Social Investment Fund
- أحواض التجفيف المزروعة
- أحواض التجفيف غير المزروعة
- أربورلو
- إعادة الاستخدام
- إعداد السماد
- إعداد السماد مع إضافة المواد العضوية
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة ذات التدفق الأفقي السطحي
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة ذات التدفق الأفقي السطحي
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة ذات التدفق الأفقي المغمور
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة ذات التدفق الرأسي
- الأس الهيدروجيني
- الأكسدة
- الإثراء الغذائي
- الإدارة المستدامة للمياه والصرف الصحى في الأزمات الإنسانية
- الإصحاح البيئي
- الاحتياج الحيوي للأكسجين
- الاحتياج الكيميائي للأكسجين
- الاستخدام النهائي
- الاستخدام و/أو التخلص
- البُحيرة السمكية
- البُراز
- البُراز المُجفف
- البِركة المُهوّاة
- البروتوزوا
- البكتيريا
- البِنية الفوقية
- البول
- البول المُخزَّن
- التبخر
- التبخر النتحي
- التحلُّل الحيوي
- التخثير
- التخلص
- التخلّص السطحي والتخزين
- التخمير
- التدفقات السائلة الخارجة
- التدفقات السائلة الداخلة
- التربة الليلية
- الترسيب
- الترشيح
- الترشيح الثلاثي
- التشغيل والصيانة
- التطهير
- التفريغ و النقل بواسطة المُحرّكات
- التفريغ والنقل بواسطة المجهود البشري
- التقنية الناشئة
- التكَيُّس
- التنديف
- الجالس
- الجراكن
- الجريان السطحي
- الجمع والتخزين/المُعالجة
- الجير
- الحُفرة المزدوجة المُطورة المُهواة
- الحُفرة الواحدة
- الحُفرة الواحدة المُطورة المُهواة
- الحمأة
- الحمأة البرازية
- الحمأة المُنشطة
- الخبث
- الدُبال
- الدُبال البيئي
- الرُشَاحة
- الرشح
- الري
- الزراعة الأحيومائية
- السماد العضوي
- السوائل المرتشحة
- السولاج
- الصرف الصحي
- الصرف الصحي الأيكولوجي
- الصرف الصحي المُطَوَّر
- الصرف الصحي الموجه للموارد
- الصرف الصحي خارج الموقع
- الصرف الصحي في الموقع
- الطّفو
- الطُفيل
- الغاز الحيوي
- الغاسل
- الفيروس
- القرفصاء
- الكائنات الحية الدقيقة
- الكتلة الحيوية
- الماسِح
- المبولة
- المجاري
- المجموعات الوظيفية
- المِرحاض
- المِرحاض الجاف
- المِرحاض الجاف الفاصل للبول
- المُرشح اللاهوائي
- المساحة السطحية النوعية
- المصفاة
- المُعالجة الأولية
- المُعالجة الإبتدائية
- المُعالجة الثانوية
- المُعالجة الثلاثية
- المُعالجة اللاحقة
- المُعالجة المركزية
- المُغذيات
- المُفاعل اللاهوائي ذو الحواجز
- الملوثات الدقيقة
- المُنتَجات
- المواد الصلبة الكُلية
- المواد العضوية
- المواد المهضومة
- المياه البُنِّية
- المياه الجوفية
- المياه الرمادية
- المياه السطحية
- المياه السوداء
- الميثان
- الناقل
- النقل
- الهضم اللاهوائي
- اليوريا
- بِرك التكثيف
- بِرَك تثبيت المُخلّفات السائلة
- بِركة إنضاج
- بِركة الأكسدة الإختيارية
- بِركة الأكسدة اللاهوائية
- بِركة النباتات العائمة الطَّافية
- بِركة نباتات مائية
- بِركة هوائية
- بكتريا الإشريكية القولونية
- تفريغ (إزالة) الحمأة
- تقنية الصرف الصحي
- حاجز الرمال
- حاجز القضبان المتوازية
- حاجز النفايات
- حُجرات التجفيف
- حُفر التصريف المزدوجة
- حُفرة ألترنا
- حُفرة الامتصاص
- حقل التصريف الشبكي
- حمأة خزَّان التحليل التخمير
- حَوض إمْهُوف
- حَوض الترسيب
- خزَّان البول
- خزَّان التحليل
- خزَّان الترسيب
- خزَّان المياه الجوفية
- خزَّان مؤقت تحت الأرض
- دُبال الحُفرة
- درجة التخفيض اللوغاريتمية
- دودة الأمعاء
- رأس المال
- زمن الاحتفاظ الهيدروليكي
- زمن البقاء
- شبكات الصرف الصحي التشاركية
- شبكات الصرف الصحي التقليدية بقوة الجاذبية
- شبكات الصرف الصحي الخالية من المواد الصلبة
- شبكات الصرف الصحي ذات الأقطار الصغيرة
- شبكة الصرف الصحي
- شبكة تجميع الصرف الصحي
- شبكة صرف صحي بسيطة
- غرفة إعداد السماد
- غُرفة حجز الحصى
- فضلات الجسم
- لاأكسجيني
- لاهوائي
- مُحسّن التربة
- محطة النقل
- محطة تصريف شبكة الصرف الصحي
- مخلفات المُعالجة الأولية
- مِرحاض الدفْق الفاصل للبول
- مِرحاض الدفْق بالسيفون
- مِرحاض الدفْق بالصب
- مُرشح بالتنقيط
- مُرَوِّق
- مُسببات الامراض
- مستوى المياه الجوفية
- مصيدة الشحوم
- مُفاعل التدفق العلوي اللاهوائى عبر طبقة الحمأة
- مُفاعل الغاز الحيوي
- منسوب المياه الجوفية
- مواد التنظيف الجافة
- مياه الأمطار
- مياه الدفْق
- مياه الصرف
- مياه تنظيف الشرج
- نباتات مائية كبيرة
- نزع الماء
- نسبة الكربون إلى النيتروجين
- نظام الصرف الصحي
- نظام المُعالجة اللامركزي لمياه الصرف
- نموذج نظام
- هاضم لاهوائي
- هَوائي
- واجهة المستخدم
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