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Train the Trainers

Training of Trainers Perspective image

Have you taken care of all logistics for your upcoming workshop? Do you have all materials readily available? How can trainings be planned, organised and carried out effectively? This is a perspective for trainers and facilitators supporting them to carry out workshops, trainings and capacity development courses based on the SSWM Toolbox. It contains material about pre-training preparation, facilitation, training methods and post training activities. Explore the related factsheets to find check-lists, guidance, tipps and helpful considerations for your water, sanitation and resources management events.  

Pre-training Preparations

How do you come up with the right agenda? Who should you invite? Explore the toolsheets in this section to design your workshop or training, promote…
10 Factsheets
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How do you help other learn and make things easy? Understand your role as a facilitator, achieve your workshop objectives and make sure your…
11 Factsheets
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Training Methods

Avoid a powerpoint overkill, if you want your participants to benefit from your event. Read through the descriptions of different training methods…
5 Factsheets
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Post Training Activities

The training course is over, your work isn't! Find some of the most important post training activities in the factsheets compiled in this section.
4 Factsheets
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Icebreakers can be very useful in trainings and can contribute to a better training outcome. On the one hand, icebreakers can be implemented to…


Energisers raise the energy level of a training session by gaining back people’s attention and interest and therefore improving the training by…

Adult Learning Principles

Learning opportunities for adults exist in a variety of settings, ranging from a formal institution to day to day practical learning at work. It is…

Learning Needs Analysis

Learning needs analyses are undertaken to determine the gap between the existing skills, knowledge and abilities and those desired. Once this gap is…

Rich Pictures

Rich pictures are pictorial representations of environmental or social systems. They can help to organise complex situations and identify underlying…

Planning a Training

Before you conduct training, you need to do a detailed plan for what you will do, why you will be doing it and how to reach your objectives. When…

Developing an Agenda

When planning a training or workshop, it is very important to develop an agenda. The training agenda should meet the identified training needs in…

Marketing of a Training

As a training services provider, you know how important an efficient and effective training program is for ensuring long-term success in today's…

Selection of Resource Persons

When developing the course curriculum, aims, and objectives, also training resource persons should be identified. Every training manager should try…

Selection of Participants

The returns from investing in training depend crucially on the quality, motivation and appropriateness of the participants. Hence, it is very useful…

Planning Individual Sessions

A sizable portion of the work involved in a training course takes place well before the first day of classes. It is important to plan the sessions…

Preparing Fieldtrips

Fieldtrips are visits to communities project, field sites or other sites organised by the trainer, where participants can observe different…


To develop successful training courses you need a combination of skills and expertise. Good logistical planning is one of the most crucial aspects of…

Handouts Preparation

Some presenters treat handouts like an afterthought or even forget them altogether, justifying their action with: "They will just get trashed anyway…

Facilitators Role

A facilitator is literally defined as “one who helps others to learn or who helps to make things easy.” A facilitator helps participants to…

The content of this perspective was compiled by seecon and is based on 20 years of experiences in facilitating trainings, workshops and events. The guidance provided in the factsheets of this perspective is meant to help trainers and facilitators to yield the best results, be it by effectively structuring learning processes for participants of training courses or through process oriented facilitation of participatory workshops or consultations.