المِرحاض الجاف
هو مِرحاض يعمل بدون مياه الدفْق، وقد يكون المِرحاض الجاف عبارة عن قاعدة مِرحاض مرتفعة يستعملها المُستخدم بالجلوس عليها، أو قد يكون بلاطة أرضية يستعملها المُستخدم للجلوس فوقها بوضعية القُرفصاء دون ملامستها. وفي كلتا الحالتين تُجمع فضلات الجسم -كلٌّ من البول والبُراز- في فتحة التجميع.
Perspective Structure
- Absorption
- Absorption Chiller
- Accumulation System
- Acetogenesis
- Acidic
- Activated Sludge
- Adsorption
- Adult Learning
- Advanced Facultative Pond
- Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond
- Advanced Oxidation Process
- Advanced Wastewater Treatments
- Advection Fog
- Advisory Services in Environmental Management
- Advocacy
- Aerated Pond
- Aerobic
- Aerobic Digestion
- Aerobic Pond
- Aerobic Wastewater Treatment
- Aeroponic
- Aerotolerant
- African Development Bank
- African Development Fund
- African Ministers Conference On Water
- African Union
- Agenda 21
- Aggregation formation
- Agricultural Issues
- Agricultural Wastewater
- Air Stripping
- Algae Settling Pond
- Algal Bloom
- Alkaline
- Alkalinity
- Alluvial River
- Alum
- Ammonia
- Ammonium
- Anaerobic
- Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation
- Anaerobic Baffled Reactor
- Anaerobic Biogas Digester
- Anaerobic Biogas Settler
- Anaerobic Digestion
- Anaerobic Filter
- Anaerobic Pond
- Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Process
- Anal Cleansing Water
- Anammox Bacteria
- Anoxic
- Application of Pit Humus and Compost
- Application of Sludge
- Apron
- Aqua Privy
- Aquaculture
- Aquaponic
- Aquifer
- Arborloo
- Arid
- Arsenate
- Arsenite
- Artesian Spring
- Artificial Fertiliser
- Artificial Groundwater Recharge
- Automated irrigation
- Automatic Surge Flow and Gravitational Tank Irrigation System
- Awareness Raising
- Awareness Raising for Demand Creation
- Backflush Valve
- Background
- Backwash
- Bacteria
- Bank Filtration
- Basic Sanitation
- Basic Services to the Urban Poor
- Basin Irrigation
- Batch Reactor
- Beneficiary Assessment
- Bin Composting
- Bio-char
- Biodegradable
- Biodegradation
- Biodiesel
- Biofilm
- Biogas
- Biogas Combustion
- Biological Oxygen Demand
- Biological Oxygen Demand 5
- Biological Treatment
- Biological Wastewater Treatment
- Biomass
- Bioremediation
- Biosolid
- Bittern
- Blackwater
- Blue Water Footprint
- Boiler Feed Water
- Border Irrigation
- Borehole Latrine
- Bottle Irrigation
- Bottled water
- Boundary Kit
- Brackish water
- Brownwater
- Bund
- Business Model Canvas
- Cadmium
- Calcination Kiln
- California Water Environment Association
- Calorific Value
- Capacity-Linked water and sanitation for Africa's peri-urban and Rural Areas
- Capillary water
- Capillary Zone
- Capital Cost
- Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio
- Cartage
- Catchment Area
- Central American Industrial Research Institute
- Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
- Centralised System
- Centralised Water Supply
- Cesspit
- Channelling
- Channels/Drains
- Charcoal
- Chemical Oxygen Demand
- Chemical Sedimentation
- Chemical Treatment
- Chlorination
- Chlorination (centralised)
- Cholera
- Cistern Flush Toilet
- City Sanitation Plan
- City Sanitation Task Force
- Clay Pot and Porous Capsule Irrigation Network
- Clean Development Mechanism
- Co-composting
- Coagulant
- Coagulation
- Coagulation-Flocculation
- COD/BOD5 Ratio
- Coliform Bacteria
- Collection and Storage/Treatment
- Colloidal Silver
- Combined Cycle Power Plant
- Combined Heat and Power
- Combined Sewer
- Combined Sewer Overflow
- Command and Control Tools
- Command Area
- Commercial Utility
- Community Action Planning
- Community Aided Total Sanitation
- Community Based Organisation
- Community Health Clubs
- Community-led Total Sanitation
- Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation
- Compact Constructed Wetland
- Completely Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal Over Nitrite
- Compost
- Compost Filter
- Compost Pile
- Composting
- Composting Chamber
- Composting Pit
- Composting Toilet
- Compressor
- Condominial Sewer
- Condominial Sewerage
- Confined Aquifers
- Conjunctiveuse
- Conservation Agriculture
- Conservation Tillage
- Consortium for Dissemination of DEWATS
- Constant Vacuum System
- Constructed Wetland
- Contact time
- Contingency Planning
- Continuous Stirred-tank Reactor
- Contour Bunds
- Conventional Biological Treatment
- Conventional Gravity Sewer
- Conveyance
- Cooling Tower
- Cooling Water
- Core Humanitarian Standard
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporation of Kochi
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Creating an Enabling Environment
- Crop Rotation
- Cryptosporidium
- Cyst
- Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)
- Decentralisation
- Decentralised Treatment System
- Decentralised Wastewater Treatment System
- Decentralised Water Supply
- Decentralized Treatment System
- Deciding with the Community
- Decision Making Tools
- Decomposition
- Deep dug well
- Deep Shaft
- Deep Well
- Definition of Boundaries
- Dehydration of Faeces
- Dehydration Vaults
- Demand Creation
- Demand Creation Introduction
- Denitrification
- Denitrifying Ammonium Oxidation
- Deoxyribonucleic Acid
- Department for Housing and Infrastructure Development
- Department for International Development
- Department for Water Affairs
- Department of Infrastructure and Support Services
- Desludging
- Detailed Project Report
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
- Dewatering
- Diammonium Phosphate
- Diarrhoea
- Diesel Generator
- Digestate
- Dioxins
- Direct Surface Groundwater Recharge
- Disinfection
- Disinfection By-product
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Distributed Energy Resource
- District Water, Sanitation and Health Education Committees
- Double Entry Accrual Accounting System
- Double Pit Latrine
- Double Ventilated Improved Pit
- Dried Faeces
- Drilled Well
- Drilling Fluid
- Drinking Water
- Drip Irrigation
- Dry Cleansing Material
- Dry Digestion
- Dry Toilet
- Drying Bed
- Dual Flush Toilet
- E-waste
- Ecological Sanitation
- Ecological Society of America
- eCompendium
- Economic Issues
- Economic Tools
- Ecosan Project Steps
- Ecosystem Services
- Ecoville
- Effective Microorganism
- Effluent
- Electric Conductivity
- Emergency
- Emergency Phases
- Emergency Response Unit
- Emerging Technology
- End-of-pipe
- End-Use
- Energiser
- Energy
- Engine
- Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal
- Ensuring Sustainability
- Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli
- Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli
- Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
- Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
- Environmental Council of Zambia
- Environmental Flow
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Issues
- Environmental Sanitation
- Escherichia Coli
- European Community
- Eutrophication
- Evaporation
- Evaporation Bed
- Evapotranspiration
- Ex-situ Target Population
- Excreta
- Executing
- Exploring Tools
- External Combustion Engine
- External Water
- F-diagram
- Facultative Pond
- Faecal Coliform
- Faecal Indicator Bacteria
- Faecal Sludge
- Faecal Sludge Management
- Faeces
- Faecophile
- Faecophobic
- Feedstock
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Fenton
- Fermentation
- Ferric Chloride
- Ferric Sulphate
- Fertigation
- Fertigation Water
- Fertiliser
- Field Capacity
- Field Trenches
- Filtrate
- Filtration
- Financial Sustainability of WASH Services
- Financing
- First Flush Device
- Fish Pond
- Fixed Bed Reactor
- Fixed-film System
- Floating Plant Ponds
- Floc
- Flocculation
- Flotation
- Flow Rate
- Fluidised-bed incinerator
- Flush Urinal
- Flushing Point
- Flushwater
- Flux
- Fog
- Fog Drip
- Food Products
- Forage
- Fossa Alterna
- Fouling
- Framework Issues
- Free-Water Surface Constructed Wetland
- Freshwater
- Fuel Cell
- Fulvic Acids
- Functional Group
- Gantt Chart
- Gas Turbine
- Gathering Ideas
- Gender-Based Violence or Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
- Generator
- Generator
- Geographic Information System
- Geotextile
- German Development Bank
- Giardia
- Global Water Partnership
- Government of India
- Government of Kerala
- Granulometry
- Gravel Pack
- Gravitational Water
- Gravity Spring
- Grease trap
- Greater Kochi Development Authority
- Green water
- Green Water Footprint
- Greenhouse gas
- Greenhouse-gas
- Grey Water Footprint
- Greywater
- Grinder Pump
- Grit
- Grit Chamber
- Groundwater
- Groundwater Dam
- Groundwater Recharge
- Groundwater Recharge
- Gully
- Gully Erosion
- Gully Plug
- Gulper
- Hand Pump
- Hand-dug well
- Hardware
- Hazardous waste
- Health
- Health and Hygiene Issues
- Healthcare Waste
- Heat Engine
- Heavy Metal
- Helminth
- Herbicide
- High Rate Algae Pond
- High-pressure membranes
- High-rate Digestion
- High-strength
- High-Strength Calcium Hypochlorite
- Horizontal Learning
- Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland
- Household and Industry Reuse
- Household-Centred Environmental Sanitation
- Household-level Drinking Water Treatment
- Household-level Water Treatment and Safe Storage
- Human-Powered Emptying and Transport
- Human-powered Water Distribution
- Humic Acids
- Humification
- Humus
- Hybrid Constructed Wetland
- Hydraulic Conductivity
- Hydraulic Gradient
- Hydraulic Head
- Hydraulic Retention Time
- Hydrocyclone Separator
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Hydrolysis
- Hydroponic
- Hydropower
- Hydropower Small Scale
- Hygiene Frameworks and Approaches
- Hyperthermophile
- Icebreaker
- ICRA Management Consulting Services
- Imhoff Tank
- Immediate Emergency Phase
- Implementation Support Tools
- Improved Drinking Water Sources
- Improved Sanitation
- In situ rainwater harvesting
- In-situ Target Population
- Incineration
- Indicator
- Indicator Organism
- Industrial Ecology
- Industrial Symbiosis
- Industrial Wastewater
- Infiltration Basins
- Influent
- informal
- Information, Education, Communication
- Inoculum
- Inspection Chamber
- Intake
- Integrated Urban Water Management
- Integrated Water Resources Management
- Integrity
- Integrity Change Process
- Integrity Management
- Inter-Agency Standing Committee
- Interceptor tank
- Interface Valve
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
- Internally Displaced People
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- International Development Enterprise
- International Financing Institutions
- International Rescue Committee
- Intestinal Worms
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Invert
- Ion Exchange
- Irrigation
- Islamic State in Iraq and Levant and Islamic
- Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
- Jerrycan
- Kerala State Pollution Control Board
- Kerala Water Authority
- Kilowatt-electric
- Lacto-fermentation
- Lake
- Landfill
- Large-scale Hydro Power
- Leach Field
- Leachate
- Lead
- Learning Needs Analyses
- Life-Cycle Cost Approach
- Lime
- Linear alkylbenzenesulfonate
- Lining
- Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development
- Liquified Petroleum Gas
- Log Reduction
- Logical Framework Approach
- Low-flush Toilet
- Low-pressure membranes
- Low-rate Digestion
- Low-solids Digestion
- Macrophyte
- Man-made Reservoir
- Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Manhole
- Manual Pit Emptying Technology
- Marginal Cost
- Mass-burn Incinerator
- Maximum Contaminant Level
- Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
- Mechanical uses
- Mechanised Water Pumps
- Megacity
- Membrane
- Membrane Bioreactor
- Menstruation
- Menstruation Hygiene Management
- Mesophile
- Mesophilic Composting
- Methane
- Methanogenesis
- Methylene blue active substances
- Micro basin
- Microcatchment
- Microfiltration
- Micron
- Microorganism
- Micropollutant
- Middle East and Northern Africa
- Minimum Preparedness Actions
- Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response
- Ministry of Energy and Water Development
- Ministry of Legal Government and Housing
- Ministry of Urban Development of India
- Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids
- Modular Incinerator
- Moisture Control
- Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
- Monitoring
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Most Probable Number
- Motor
- Motorised Emptying and Transport
- Motorised Water Pumps
- Moving Bed Reactor
- Mulch
- Multi-cluster /sector Initial Rapid Needs Assessment
- Multiple Uses
- Municipal Solid Waste
- Municipal Wastewater
- Nanofiltration
- National Action Plan on Climate Change
- National Advisory Group on Urban Sanitation
- National Urban Sanitation Policy
- National Water Supply and Sanitation Council
- Natural Coagulant
- Natural organic matter
- Natural Water Purification
- NaWaKit
- Needs assessment for refugee emergencies (NARE)
- Negative Externality
- Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
- Netherlands Development Organisation
- NETSSAF Participatory Planning Approach
- New Partnership for Africa's Development
- Night Soil
- Nitrification
- Nitrified
- Nitrogen
- Nitrogen-Immobilisation
- Non-biodegradable Wastewater
- Non-Governmental Organization
- Non-planted filter
- Non-point Pollution
- NPK Rating
- Nutrient
- Nutrient capacity
- Objective Tree
- Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- Offsite Sanitation
- On-site Storage and Treatments
- On-site Wastewater Treatment
- Onsite Sanitation
- Open Comparative Consequence Analysis
- Open Defecation Field
- Open Defecation Free
- Open Planning of Sanitation Systems
- Operation and Maintenance
- Operation and Maintenance of Water Distribution
- Optimisation of Water Use at Home
- Optimisation of Water Use in Agriculture
- Optimisation of Water Use in Industry
- Organic
- Organic Matter
- Organic Nitrogen
- Organics
- Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e a Agricultura
- Other Water Sources
- Overhung Latrine
- Oxidation
- Oxidation Ditch
- Ozonation
- para-statal
- Parasite
- Participation
- Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation
- Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
- Participatory Planning Tools
- Participatory Rural Appraisal
- Pasteurisation
- Pathogen
- Percolation
- Perfectly Competitive Market
- Perforated Plastic Sleeves
- Permeate
- Permits
- Permselective
- Persian wheel
- Persistent Organic Pollutants
- Person Equivalent
- pH
- Phosphorus
- Photocatalysis
- Photolysis
- Photosynthesis
- Phytoplankton
- Phytoremediation
- Pit Composting Toilet
- Pit Humus
- Pit Latrine
- Pitcher Irrigation
- Plankton
- Planning with the Community
- Planted Drying Beds
- Planting Pits
- Plug-flow Reactor
- Point Source Pollution
- Point-of-Entry
- Point-of-Use
- Pollination
- Polygeneration Plant
- Polyphosphate-accumulating Organism
- Population Equivalent
- Porous and Sectioned Pipes
- Portland Cement
- Potassium
- Pour Flush Toilet
- Pre-Treatment
- Pre-Treatment Products
- Precipitation
- Precipitation Harvesting
- Preliminary Assessment of Current Status
- Presentation Skill
- Pressure Filter
- Pressure System Unit
- Pressurised Sewers
- Primary disinfection
- Primary Treatment
- Process Water
- Product
- Project Design
- Protozoa
- Protracted Refugee Situation
- Psychrophilic
- Public Health Engineering Department
- Public Health Hygiene Education
- Public Private People Partnership
- Pyrolysis
- Quicksilver
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Raipur Municipal Corporation
- Rajiv Awas Yojana
- Rajiv Awas Yojana
- Rapid Gravity Filters
- Rapid Sand Filter
- Reactive Oxygen Species
- Reactor
- Recharge Wells
- Reciprocating Engine
- Reclaimed Water
- Recovery Phase
- Refrigerator
- Refugee
- Rehabilitate, Operate and Transfer
- Reliability of Supply
- Resource Recovery and Safe Reuse
- Restriction in Water Use
- Retention Basin
- Return Period
- Reuse
- Reuse of Blackwater and Greywater in Agriculture
- Reuse of Energy Products form Waste and Wastewater
- Reuse of Urine and Faeces in Agriculture
- Reverse osmosis
- Rhizofiltration
- Rhizome
- Right to Water and Sanitation
- Rill Erosion
- River
- River Regime
- Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting
- Rotating Biological Contactor
- Roughing Filters
- Runoff
- Runoff Coefficient
- Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Unit
- Sand Dam
- Sand River
- Sanitary Seal
- Sanitation
- Sanitation 21
- Sanitation Frameworks and Approaches
- Sanitation Safety Plans
- Sanitation Systems
- Sanitation Technology
- Sanitised
- SARAR approach
- Sawdust
- Scenario
- School-led Total Sanitation
- Screening
- Scum
- Secondary disinfection
- Secondary Treatment
- Sedimentation
- Sedimentation/Thickening Ponds
- Seeding
- Self-esteem, associate strengths, resourcefulness, action planning, responsibility
- Semi-arid
- Semi-centralised Drinking Water Treatments
- Semi-Centralised Treatment
- Semi-circular bunds
- Semipermeable
- Separate Sewers
- Septage
- Septic
- Septic Tank
- Sequence Batch Reactor
- Service Delivery Approach
- Service Level Benchmarks
- Settlement Phase
- Settler
- Sewage
- sewage treatment systems
- Sewer
- Sewer Discharge Stations
- Sewer Force Main
- Sewer Pumping Stations
- Sewerage
- Shadouf
- Shallow dug well
- Shallow Well
- Sheaffer Modular Reclamation and Reuse System
- Short Rotation Plantation
- Simplified Planning Tool
- Simplified Sewer
- Simplified Sewerage
- Single Pit
- Siphon
- Sitter
- Situation and Problem Analysis
- Slow Sand Filter
- Slow-release Fertiliser
- Sludge
- Sludge Thickening
- Sludge Treatment
- Sludge Treatment Facility
- Sludge Volume Index
- Slum
- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Small Scale Systems
- Small-bore Sewer
- Soak Pit
- Socio-Cultural Issues
- Soft Systems Methodology
- Software
- Soil Aquifer Treatment
- Soil Compaction
- Soil Conditioner
- Soil Solarisation
- Solar Pasteurisation
- Solar Water Disinfection
- Solid Waste
- solid waste management
- Solids Retention Time
- Solids-free Sewers
- Sonolysis
- Source Separation
- Southern Africa Development Community
- Spate Irrigation
- Specific Surface Area
- Specific Surface Area
- Spring
- Spring Catchment Area
- Sprinkler Irrigation
- Squatter
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page "Africa"
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page "Gestão Integrada e Sustentável de Água, Saneamento e Segurança Alimentar"
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page "Gestión de Agua y Saneamiento Sostenible en América Latina"
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page "Local Governments for Urban Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management"
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page “Support to the National Urban Sanitation Policy in India”
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page “University Course”
- SSWM Specific Topic Entry Pages
- Stabilisation
- Stabilisation Phase
- Stabilised
- Stack Effect
- Stakeholder
- Stakeholder Analysis
- State Sanitation Strategy
- State Urban Sanitation Strategies
- Steam Engine
- STEP Local Governments in Urban Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management
- STEP SSWM in Humanitarian Crises
- STEP SSWM in Humanitarian Crises (ARB)
- Stored Urine
- Stormwater
- Stormwater and Reclaimed Water Reuse
- Stormwater Management
- Strategic Finance Planning
- Strategy
- Stream Erosion
- Struvite
- Struvite Precipitation
- Struvite Reactor
- Subsurface Groundwater Recharge
- Subsurface Irrigation
- Suction
- Sullage
- Supernatant
- Superstructure
- Surface Disposal and Storage
- Surface Groundwater Recharge
- Surface Irrigation
- Surface Water
- Surfactants
- Sustainable
- Sustainable High Rate Ammonium Removal Over Nitrate
- Sustainable Land Management
- Sustainable Sanitation
- Sustainable Sanitation Alliance
- Sustainable Sanitation and Health Development Project
- Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management
- Sustainable Sanitation Center (Xavier University)
- Symbiosis
- Syria Regional Response Plan
- System Template
- System Template
- Temperature
- Terra Preta
- Terra Preta Sanitation
- Tertiary Filtration
- Tertiary Treatment
- The Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
- Thermal Power Plant
- Thermophile
- Thermophilic
- Thermophilic Composting
- Toilet
- Toilet Linked Biogas Plant
- Tools to Ensure Sustainability
- Topsoil
- Total Coliform
- Total Dissolved Solid
- Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
- Total nitrogen
- Total phosphorus
- Total Sanitation Campaign
- Total Solid
- Total Suspended Solid
- Total Volatile Solid
- Toxins
- Tradable Water Rights
- Train-the-Trainers
- Transfer Station
- Transfer Stations and Sewer Discharge Stations
- Transpiration
- Treated Water
- Trench Latrine
- Trickling Filter
- Trihalomethane
- Turbidity
- Turbine
- Twin Pits for Pour Flush
- Typhoid
- Ultra Violet Radiation
- Ultrafiltration
- Unconfined Aquifers
- Unimproved Drinking Water Sources
- United High Commission for Refugees
- United Nations
- United Nations Children’s Fund
- United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
- United Nations High Commission for Refugees
- United Nations High Commission for Refugees
- Unplanted Drying Beds
- Unsaturated Zone
- Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor
- Upstream-Downstream Water Conflict
- Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for small and Medium Towns
- Urban Local Body
- Urea
- Urinal
- Urine
- Urine Diversion
- Urine Diversion Components
- Urine Diverting Dry Toilet
- Urine Storage
- Urine Storage Tank
- Urine-Diverting Flush Toilet
- Use and/or Disposal
- User Interface
- UV-A Radiation
- UV-B Radiation
- UV-C Radiation
- Vacutug
- Vacuum
- Vacuum On Demand
- Vacuum Sewers
- Vacuum Truck
- Vault Composting Toilet
- Vector
- Ventilated Improved Pit
- Ventilation
- Vermicomposting
- Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland
- Vertical Garden
- Virtual Water
- Virus
- Vision
- VLOM pumps
- Volatile Fatty Acid
- Volumetric Organic Load
- Vyredox
- Wadi
- Washer
- Waste Stabilisation Pond
- Wastewater
- Wastewater Collection
- Wastewater Reuse at Home
- Wastewater Treatment
- Water Allocation
- Water and Sanitation Program
- Water Charge
- Water Closet
- Water Distribution
- Water Distribution Networks
- Water Footprint
- Water Footprint Assessment
- Water for basic Human Needs
- Water Frameworks and Approaches
- Water holding capacity
- Water kiosk
- Water Management
- Water Pasteurisation Indicator
- Water Productivity
- Water Purification
- Water Quality Testing
- Water Risk Map
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene Education
- Water Seal
- Water Sources
- Water Supply and Sanitation
- Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
- Water Table
- Water Truck
- Water Use
- Water Use Efficiency
- Water vendors
- Water-borne diseases
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Watering-cans
- Waterless Urinal
- Watershed
- Well Casing
- Well Development
- Well Rehabilitation
- Well Remediation
- Well Screen
- Wet Well
- Windrow Composting
- Wiper
- World Health Organisation
- Xavier University
- Yellow Water
- Zambia Social Investment Fund
- أحواض التجفيف المزروعة
- أحواض التجفيف غير المزروعة
- أربورلو
- إعادة الاستخدام
- إعداد السماد
- إعداد السماد مع إضافة المواد العضوية
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة ذات التدفق الأفقي السطحي
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة ذات التدفق الأفقي السطحي
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة ذات التدفق الأفقي المغمور
- الأرض الرطبة المُنشأة ذات التدفق الرأسي
- الأس الهيدروجيني
- الأكسدة
- الإثراء الغذائي
- الإدارة المستدامة للمياه والصرف الصحى في الأزمات الإنسانية
- الإصحاح البيئي
- الاحتياج الحيوي للأكسجين
- الاحتياج الكيميائي للأكسجين
- الاستخدام النهائي
- الاستخدام و/أو التخلص
- البُحيرة السمكية
- البُراز
- البُراز المُجفف
- البِركة المُهوّاة
- البروتوزوا
- البكتيريا
- البِنية الفوقية
- البول
- البول المُخزَّن
- التبخر
- التبخر النتحي
- التحلُّل الحيوي
- التخثير
- التخلص
- التخلّص السطحي والتخزين
- التخمير
- التدفقات السائلة الخارجة
- التدفقات السائلة الداخلة
- التربة الليلية
- الترسيب
- الترشيح
- الترشيح الثلاثي
- التشغيل والصيانة
- التطهير
- التفريغ و النقل بواسطة المُحرّكات
- التفريغ والنقل بواسطة المجهود البشري
- التقنية الناشئة
- التكَيُّس
- التنديف
- الجالس
- الجراكن
- الجريان السطحي
- الجمع والتخزين/المُعالجة
- الجير
- الحُفرة المزدوجة المُطورة المُهواة
- الحُفرة الواحدة
- الحُفرة الواحدة المُطورة المُهواة
- الحمأة
- الحمأة البرازية
- الحمأة المُنشطة
- الخبث
- الدُبال
- الدُبال البيئي
- الرُشَاحة
- الرشح
- الري
- الزراعة الأحيومائية
- السماد العضوي
- السوائل المرتشحة
- السولاج
- الصرف الصحي
- الصرف الصحي الأيكولوجي
- الصرف الصحي المُطَوَّر
- الصرف الصحي الموجه للموارد
- الصرف الصحي خارج الموقع
- الصرف الصحي في الموقع
- الطّفو
- الطُفيل
- الغاز الحيوي
- الغاسل
- الفيروس
- القرفصاء
- الكائنات الحية الدقيقة
- الكتلة الحيوية
- الماسِح
- المبولة
- المجاري
- المجموعات الوظيفية
- المِرحاض
- المِرحاض الجاف
- المِرحاض الجاف الفاصل للبول
- المُرشح اللاهوائي
- المساحة السطحية النوعية
- المصفاة
- المُعالجة الأولية
- المُعالجة الإبتدائية
- المُعالجة الثانوية
- المُعالجة الثلاثية
- المُعالجة اللاحقة
- المُعالجة المركزية
- المُغذيات
- المُفاعل اللاهوائي ذو الحواجز
- الملوثات الدقيقة
- المُنتَجات
- المواد الصلبة الكُلية
- المواد العضوية
- المواد المهضومة
- المياه البُنِّية
- المياه الجوفية
- المياه الرمادية
- المياه السطحية
- المياه السوداء
- الميثان
- الناقل
- النقل
- الهضم اللاهوائي
- اليوريا
- بِرك التكثيف
- بِرَك تثبيت المُخلّفات السائلة
- بِركة إنضاج
- بِركة الأكسدة الإختيارية
- بِركة الأكسدة اللاهوائية
- بِركة النباتات العائمة الطَّافية
- بِركة نباتات مائية
- بِركة هوائية
- بكتريا الإشريكية القولونية
- تفريغ (إزالة) الحمأة
- تقنية الصرف الصحي
- حاجز الرمال
- حاجز القضبان المتوازية
- حاجز النفايات
- حُجرات التجفيف
- حُفر التصريف المزدوجة
- حُفرة ألترنا
- حُفرة الامتصاص
- حقل التصريف الشبكي
- حمأة خزَّان التحليل التخمير
- حَوض إمْهُوف
- حَوض الترسيب
- خزَّان البول
- خزَّان التحليل
- خزَّان الترسيب
- خزَّان المياه الجوفية
- خزَّان مؤقت تحت الأرض
- دُبال الحُفرة
- درجة التخفيض اللوغاريتمية
- دودة الأمعاء
- رأس المال
- زمن الاحتفاظ الهيدروليكي
- زمن البقاء
- شبكات الصرف الصحي التشاركية
- شبكات الصرف الصحي التقليدية بقوة الجاذبية
- شبكات الصرف الصحي الخالية من المواد الصلبة
- شبكات الصرف الصحي ذات الأقطار الصغيرة
- شبكة الصرف الصحي
- شبكة تجميع الصرف الصحي
- شبكة صرف صحي بسيطة
- غرفة إعداد السماد
- غُرفة حجز الحصى
- فضلات الجسم
- لاأكسجيني
- لاهوائي
- مُحسّن التربة
- محطة النقل
- محطة تصريف شبكة الصرف الصحي
- مخلفات المُعالجة الأولية
- مِرحاض الدفْق الفاصل للبول
- مِرحاض الدفْق بالسيفون
- مِرحاض الدفْق بالصب
- مُرشح بالتنقيط
- مُرَوِّق
- مُسببات الامراض
- مستوى المياه الجوفية
- مصيدة الشحوم
- مُفاعل التدفق العلوي اللاهوائى عبر طبقة الحمأة
- مُفاعل الغاز الحيوي
- منسوب المياه الجوفية
- مواد التنظيف الجافة
- مياه الأمطار
- مياه الدفْق
- مياه الصرف
- مياه تنظيف الشرج
- نباتات مائية كبيرة
- نزع الماء
- نسبة الكربون إلى النيتروجين
- نظام الصرف الصحي
- نظام المُعالجة اللامركزي لمياه الصرف
- نموذج نظام
- هاضم لاهوائي
- هَوائي
- واجهة المستخدم
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