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1032 factsheets
According to the most recent official estimate, as of 2005 only 13 per cent of rural households in Zambia had access to proper household sanitation…
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
When microbially polluted water is exposed to solar light in transparent PET bottles, bacteria, virus and some parasites are inactivated by the solar…
Last updated 04 Setembro 2019
Soil amendment includes all inorganic and organic substances mixed into the soil for achieving a better soil constitution regarding plant…
Last updated 14 Junho 2019
Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) is an artificial groundwater aquifer recharge option. Water is introduced into the groundwater through soil percolation…
Last updated 26 Maio 2019
Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) facilitates to polish stormwater & treated wastewater and provides natural storage capacity prior to reuse or…
Last updated 16 Abril 2019
Soil cover and reforestation is a mechanism to protect soil from water loss. Like the protection of an umbrella, soil cover and reforestation…
Last updated 14 Junho 2019
Last updated 27 Abril 2018
Contrary to belief, it is not necessary to boil certain water to make it safe to drink. Heating water to 65°C (149°F) for 6 minutes, or to a higher…
Last updated 14 Junho 2019
A solids-free sewer is a network of small-diameter pipes that transports pre-treated and solids-free wastewater (such as septic tank effluent). It…
Last updated 30 Maio 2019
Last updated 07 Fevereiro 2018
This is the summary.
Last updated 07 Fevereiro 2018
Spate irrigation is a crop irrigation technique consisting of diverting seasonal stormwater from valleys, rivers, riverbeds and gullies by gravity…
Last updated 08 Maio 2019
When groundwater makes its way to the earth’s surface and emerges as small water holes or wet spots, this feature is referred to as a spring. The use…
Last updated 13 Junho 2019