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1032 factsheets
Discussions are an important interactive tool, helping participants to review and more deeply understand the course material, which is often…
Last updated 30 Junho 2019
Depending on the end-use of the effluent or national standards for discharge in water bodies, a post-treatment step may be required to remove…
Last updated 05 Junho 2019
This case study supports and illustrates the theoretic factsheet "Distribution process: retailers or mobile salesforce" with practical insights.
Last updated 23 Agosto 2018
This case study supports and illustrates the theoretic factsheet "Distribution process: retailers or mobile salesforce" with practical insights.
Last updated 23 Agosto 2018
Safe water enterprises have a multitude of options to deliver products and services. Important is to thoroughly reflect how the delivery shall look…
Last updated 12 Agosto 2019
Donor agencies are an important financial help when the projects that have been developed shall be carried out to meet the strategic objectives of…
Last updated 22 Junho 2019
The double VIP has almost the same design as the single VIP with the added advantage of a second pit that allows it to be used continuously and…
Last updated 11 Maio 2019
Drilled wells can serve as a low-cost water supply for single households, for small rural communities and for more urban areas. The working principle…
Last updated 13 Junho 2019
Drip irrigation is a technique in which water flows through a filter into special drip pipes, with emitters located at different spacing. Water is…
Last updated 07 Maio 2019
A dry toilet is a toilet that operates without flushwater. The dry toilet may be a raised pedestal on which the user can sit, or a squat pan over…
Last updated 13 Maio 2019
The traditional and still most common method of obtaining groundwater in rural areas of the developing world is by means of hand-dug wells (WATERAID…
Last updated 13 Junho 2019
Eco-filtration Bank (EFB) is a variant of Green Bridge Technology – in-stream horizontal eco-filtration process. Contaminated water in the small…
Last updated 16 Abril 2019
Last updated 07 Fevereiro 2018
Last updated 27 Abril 2018