This AGUASAN publication illustrates how the water and nutrient cycles can be used as a tool for creating a common understanding of a water and sanitation system and aligning it with SDG 6.
BROGAN, J., ERLMANN, T., MUELLER, K. and SOROKOVSKYI, V. (2017): SDG 6 along the water and nutrient cycles. Using the water and nutrient cycles as a tool for creating a common understanding of a water and sanitation system - including workshop material. Bern (Switzerland): AGUASAN and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) URL [Visita: 26.03.2019] PDFThe aim of this study was to improve the coagulation process for toxicity reduction of raw wastewater taken from a leather tanning district central treatment plant (Solofra, Avellino, Southern Italy).
LOFRANO, G. ; BELGIONO, V. ; GALLO, M. ; RAIMO, A. ; MERIC, S. (2006): Toxicity Reduction in Leather Tanning Wastewater by Improved Coagulation, Flocculation Processes. Entradas: Global NEST Journal : Volume 8 , 151-158. URL [Visita: 24.03.2019]Article on rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge in India and other countries.
DAVIES, R. ROY, B. (2004): Water and Community Development. Rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge. A sustainable approach to human development at the global level. London: International Business Leaders Forum URL [Visita: 22.03.2019] PDFThis paper reviews recent literature and available data on standpipes and the informal water sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. It identifies gaps in the research and outlines recommendations for additional research on water provision for the poor.
KEENER, S., LUENGO, M. and BANERJEE, S. (2010): Provision of Water to the Poor in Africa. Experience with Water Standposts and the Informal Water Sector. Washington, DC: The World Bank URL [Visita: 22.03.2019] PDFWater kiosks are a low-cost technology to scale up the water supply to the poor. The approach taken typically includes the decentralisation and commercialisation of water supply and sanitation (WSS) services, taking into account the needs of the poor in particular. This report gives an introduction to the water kiosk concept, its impact and challenges, and an example of a best practice implementation: the case of Zambia.
GTZ (2009): Case Study: Water Kiosks. How the combination of low-cost technology, pro-poor financing and regulation leads to the scaling up of water supply service provision to the poor. Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. [Accessed: 22.03.2019] PDFHere you find more material about the private sector participation of small-scale water providers, particularly in Africa.