This paper provides a very good understanding of the CHAST approach with its development and tools.
DE VREEDE, E. (2004): CHAST “Children’s Hygiene And Sanitation Training” In Somalia. The Netherlands: School Sanitation and Hygiene Education Symposium URL [Visita: 26.04.2019]Web page of the International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) with several publications on water supply systems operation and maintenance.
A site containing more than 150 curricula to educate young people about water issues (English) - ranging from acid rain to wise water use.
This factsheet book is a compilation of 13 thematic factsheets which were produced by the eleven SuSanA working groups (WGs): WG1 - Capacity development; WG 2 - Finance and economics; WG 3 - Renewable energies and climate change; WG 4 - Sanitation systems, technology options, hygiene and health; WG 5 - Food security and productive sanitation systems; WG 6 - Cities and planning; WG 7 - Community, rural and schools (with gender and social aspects); WG 8 - Emergency and reconstruction situations; WG 9 - Sanitation as a business and public awareness; WG 10 - Operation and maintenance; WG 11 - Groundwater Protection. What makes these factsheets special is that they are multi-authored by people from different organisations and by free-lance consultants. The factsheets were developed in a long process involving many discussions and review loops which were mostly carried out in public, e.g. at working group meetings, with the working group mailing lists or, since July 2011, also in the open SuSanA discussion forum.
MUENCH, E. von ; INGLE, R. ; MBALO, D ; KAPPAUF, L. (2012): Compilation of 13 Factsheets on Key Sustainable Sanitation Topics. Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH URL [Visita: 26.04.2019]WaterNet is a regional network of university departments and research and training institutes specialising in water. The network offers training, education, research and outreach by harnessing the complementary strengths of member institutions in the region and elsewhere. You can register for a newsletter and as a member you can log in for more information and networking.
This 4-page advocacy guide has been developed to inform and support the planning and conducting of advocacy work for sanitation in a country or region. Although it focuses on sanitation, this document presents a sound general overview of the key steps and elements for planning advocacy activities.
UN-WATER (2009): Advocacy for Sanitation: A Brief Guide. New York: UN-Water URL [Visita: 26.04.2019]The webpage of the “Global Water Partnership” is an example for a professional network. You can discuss in fora, adopt projects and get informed about water and sanitation topics from all over the world.
This thematic overview paper of the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre gives access to the main principles of advocacy for water, environmental sanitation and hygiene, based on worldwide experiences and views of leading practitioners. Furthermore, this document provides direct links to more detailed explanations and documented experiences of critical aspects of the topic on the Internet.
JONG, D. de (2003): Advocacy for Water, Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene. Thematic Overview Paper. Delft: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre URL [Visita: 26.04.2019]WaterAid presents country information sheets, which are good teaching and research materials for both the classroom and the home. Development issue sheets provide information on water related issues in the developing world. They are equally readable for pupils and teachers alike and their glossy format makes them an invaluable educational tool.
Language: Spanish
Case study of collaboration between the US EPA and the Earth Conservation Corps, a youth led organization, in protecting and cleaning the Anacostia Watershed in Washington DC, USA.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2008): Youth Lead Community Efforts Toward a Cleaner, Greener Anacostia Watershed. URL [Visita: 25.04.2019]This website provides information on Solar Cookers International (SCI), an organisation that began a two-year pilot project in 2007 to increase water quality awareness and to introduce the safe water packages and portable microbiology laboratory to communities in Western Kenya.
A comprehensive Guidebook to Environmental Health that helps promoters, development workers, educators, activists and community leaders take charge of their communities´ environmental health. Published by Hersperian Foundation the editors of the rural health bible “Where there is no Doctor”
CONANT, J. FADEM, P. (2008): A Community Guide to Environmental Health. Berkeley, CA: Hesperian Foundation URL [Visita: 25.04.2019]The factsheet gives an overview on issues which arise in school sanitation and hygiene education (SSHE). This includes situational analysis, the actors and their roles, gender and poverty-sensitive approach, elements of programme strategy and the key references.
Cuerpos de Conservación Mexicanos, A.C. Young People conducting Environmental Tracking and Assessment for Health in the Yucatan Hydrological Basin. Short article that describes the participation of youth in a water-monitoring program in Yucatan, Mexico.
This Australian water education toolkit provides hundreds of water education resources. The Toolkit can assist teachers and schools to access national, state, territory, regional and urban water resources.
On this website, some practical documents on multi-stakeholder work can be found, including many ideas how to prepare a stakeholder analysis, platform etc.