This 5-page factsheet summarizes methods and uses of Compost.
KOFF, J.P. de LEE B.D. MICKELBART, M.V. (2007): Household Composting: Methods and Uses for Compost. (= Purdue Extension HENV-103-W ). Purdue: Purdue University URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]Library
The paper discusses the findings of a study of 20 compost plants, ranging in size from household composting to large centralised composting facilities, in Bangalore, Chennai, Pune and Mumbai.
ZURBRUGG, C. DRESCHER, S. PATEL, A.H. SHARATCHANDRA S.C. (2002): Decentralised Composting in India – Lessons Learnt. (= Paper presented at 28th WEDC Conference in Kolkata 18-22 November, 2002 ). Leicestershire: Water Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This document gives a simple overview over toilet compost, its preparation and fields of application.
MORGAN, P. (2010): Methods of Using "Toilet Compost" in Agriculture. Stockholm : Ecological Sanitation Research (EcoSanRes), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]The four-page brochure explains the basic of composting and how yard waste and food waste can be composted at home.
CORNELL UNIVERSITY (n.y): Home Composting Brochure. URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This brochure describes the compost barrels, promoted in Bangladesh and explains how to use them. 4
WASTE CONCERN (n.y): Compost Barrel. Dhaka (Bangladesh): WASTE CONCERN URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This publication intends to help spread awareness and knowledge about the technology of subsurface flow constructed wetlands in developing countries. Constructed wetlands (CWs) can be used as part of decentralised wastewater treatment systems, due to their “robust”, “low-tech” nature with none or few moving parts (pumps) and relatively low operational requirements. CWs can be used for the treatment of domestic and municipal wastewater or greywater, and play an important role in many ecological sanitation (ecosan) concepts.
HOFFMANN, H. PLATZER, C. WINKER, M. MUENCH, E. von GIZ (2011): Technology Review of Constructed Wetlands. Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands for Greywater and Domestic Wastewater Treatment. Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This Sanitation Sourcebook distils some of the core concepts of sanitation in a user-friendly format so that the book can serve as a practical reference to sanitation professionals and investment decision-makers, particularly the local governments. The annexe contains a practical collection of factsheets on selected sanitation system options.
WSP (2007): Philippines Sanitation Source Book and Decision Aid. pdf presentation. Washington: Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This work seeks to expand upon the body of knowledge pertinent to enhance the treatment efficacy of Imhoff tanks within Honduras. It also includes a definition for what an Imhoff tank is and explanation of how the system works.
McLEAN, R.C. (2008): Honduras Wastewater Treatment: Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment and Sustainable Secondary Treatment Technologies for Use with Imhoff Tanks. Pomona: California State Polytechnic University URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This site is based on the book “Home Composting Made Easy,” which has sold more than one million copies in the US.
Factsheet on the operation and maintenance of vermi-composts.
DICKERSON, G. (2004): Vermicomposting. Guide H-164. New Mexico: New Mexico State University (NMSU), Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture and, Home Economics URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This 12-page factsheet reflects the existing management systems practiced in various areas of Nepal in managing solid waste and contains initiatives of Municipalities; national and local NGOs/CBOs; public and private entities. The paper helps to transfer the lessons and existing practices regarding solid waste management and encourages urban, peri-urban and emerging towns for similar initiatives in urban sanitation.
WATERAID NEPAL ; ENPHO (2008): Solid Waste Management in Nepal. Facsheet. Kathmandu: WaterAid Nepal Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO) URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]All about dry urine diversion toilets, from the principles, design, construction and operation
DEGENER, S. SAMWEL, M. GABIZON, S. (2006): Urine Diverting Toilets Principles, Operation and Construction. Utrecht/Munich: Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]The earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010 and the cholera epidemic that followed from October 2010, resulted in one of the largest humanitarian relief efforts in history. Many of the internally displaced persons camps were located in urban neighbourhoods with high groundwater, making onsite sanitation extremely difficult. In response to these unique conditions a small local organization, SOIL, partnered with Oxfam Great Britain to pilot urine diversion EcoSan toilets in camps throughout Port-au-Prince. This briefing paper covers this pilot project from March 2010 through March 2012. During that 2-year period, SOIL’s toilets served over 20,000 people and treated more than 400,000 gallons of human waste, converting it to rich compost.
KILBRIDE, A. KRAMER, S. PRENETA, N. (2013): Delivering Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in an Uncertain Environment: Piloting Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) in the Emergency Context of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, after the 2010 Earthquake. (= WECD International Conference , 36 ). Oakland: Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This 4-page factsheet provides information on making composting by worms at household level.
KOFF, J.P. de LEE, B. MICKELBART, M.V. (2008): Household Composting with Worms. (= Home and Environment, HENV-104-W ). Purdue University URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This is the case of a small farmer who chose to be different from the typical resource-poor farmers struggling to make a living in the degraded drylands. His deep ‘love for life’ has not only earned him a decent living, but more importantly, it has inspired many other farmers to emulate him.
AME FOUNDATION (2007): Vermi-Composting brings better yields and returns – A farmer shows the way. (= AMEF Case Study Series 6 ). Bangalore: AME Foundation URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]This third publication in the series aims to capture the current trends in waste management with the assistance of 20 case studies from around the world.
UN-HABITAT (2010): Solid Waste Management in the World’s Cities. Pre-publication presentation. Nairobi: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) URL [Visita: 01.06.2019]The publication explains the purposes of urine diversion, its benefits and challenges, possibilities of urine treatment and reuse in agriculture. It provides an overview on design and operational aspects for equipment needed, such as waterless urinals and urine diversion toilets. An appendix with a worldwide listing of suppliers for waterless urinals and urine diversion toilet pedestals and squatting pans is also available.
MUENCH, E., v. WINKER, M. GTZ (2009): Urine diversion components. Overview of Urine Diversion Components such as Waterless Urinals, Urine Diversion Toilets, Urine Storage and Reuse Systems. (= Technology Review ). Eschborn: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH URL [Visita: 31.05.2019]After a brief introductory chapter on the Philippine sanitation situation and basic principles of sustainable sanitation, the manual focuses on the introduction of different low-cost sanitation solutions comprising the arborloo toilet, the 1-chamber and 2-chamber UDDT, hanging UDDTs, and the ecopee urinal. Each technology is briefly described by giving general information on how it works, operation and maintenance requirements, reuse or safe disposal options, and in which setting this technology might be appropriate. In addition, a picture-based guide on how to construct each technology is provided as well as the necessary technical drawings and rough cost estimates based on current prices. Since a sanitation system does not end with the toilet itself, the last chapter also provides information on the overall management of the system including collection, transport, treatment, and final reuse of urine, feces and composting products in agriculture.
GENSCH, R. MISO, A. ITCHON, G. SAYRE, E. (2010): Low-Cost Sustainable Sanitation Solutions for Mindanao and the Philippines. A Practical Construction Field Guide. Cagayan de Oro City: Xavier University URL [Visita: 31.05.2019]This source presents the DEWATS emergency sanitation service package, including options for different types of prefabricated materials, developed by BORDA.
BORDA (2009): EmSan - Emergency Sanitation. An innovative & rapidly installable solution to improve hygiene and health in emergency situations. (= Concept Note ). Bremen: Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association URL [Visita: 31.05.2019]This study analyses the feasibility and potential production of biogas in countries with a cold climate, with emphasis on Romania, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Armenia. The results are compared with China, Nepal and Bolivia. The study also carefully reviews existing literature before suggesting the same technology for the colder target communities. It also contains recommendations on whether to use the plants on household or community level afterwards.
BALASUBRAMANIYAM, U. ZISENGWE, L.S. MERIGGI, N. BUYSMAN, E. (2008): Biogas Production in Climates with long cold Winters. Wageningen: Wageningen University URL [Visita: 31.05.2019]