This reports reviews drought and the way it is managed in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region which is highly prone to the phenomenon, on one hand, and is highly vulnerable to it because of weak institutional and policy frameworks, on the other. The report constitutes a good
basis to rethink policies and reformulate preparedness and response plans which can strengthen resilience to droughts in the region, taking into account the social, economic and environmental contexts specific to each country.
FAO BAZZA, M. KAY, M. KNUTSON, C. (2018): Drought characteristics and management in North Africa and the Near East. (= FAO Water Reports , 45 ). Rome: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) OF THE UNITED NATIONS URL [Accessed: 14.01.2019] PDFThis report introduces the key drivers of agricultural water pollution, analyzes the related pollution loads, states change in water bodies and resulting impacts on human health and ecosystems, and explores different approaches to controlling water pollution from agriculture, including policies and institutional arrangements, and on-farm and off-farm responses. Examples will be drawn from developed and developing countries.
MATEO-SAGASTA, J. (IWMI) ZADEH, S. (FAO) TURRAL, H. (2018): More people, more food, worse water? a global review of water pollution from agriculture. Rome / Colombo: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) on behalf of the Water Land and Ecosystems research program of the CGIAR URL [Accessed: 14.01.2019] PDF