A short overview about irrigation needs of crops, their water demand and different growth stages. This three page overview is very comprehensibly written and easy to read. It is an introduction to crop selection.
AL-KAISI BRONER (2009): Crop Water Use and Growth Stages. Colorado State University Extensions: Fort Collins URL [Accessed: 09.04.2019]The Ontario Ministries website offers a lot of information about different needs of crops. This includes soil types, crop types, nutrient management, water management and general agriculture tips.
Thematic Factsheet on Water Scarcity. The world contains an estimated 1 400 million cubic km of water. Only 0.003% of this vast amount, about 45 000 cubic km, are what is called "fresh water resources", i.e. water that can be used for drinking, hygiene, agriculture and industry.
UN Water (2013): Water Scarcity Factsheet. United Nations Water URL [Accessed: 09.04.2019]This online article describes the crop rotation system, what it is, its effects and practices.
This chapter of Infonet Biovision provides additional information about intercropping and crop rotation. The reader gets to know about difficulties, means and practices.
INFONET BIOVISION (2012): Intercropping and Push-Pull. Zurich: URL [Accessed: 09.04.2019]As bottled water use continues to expand around the world, there is growing interest in the environmental, economical, and social implications of that use, including concerns about waste generation, proper use of groundwater, hydrologic effects on local surface and groundwater, economic costs, and more. This paper estimates the energy footprint required for various phases of bottled water production, transportation, and use.
GLEICK, P.H. ; COOLEY, H.S. (2009): Energy implications of bottled water. المُدخلات: Environmental Research Letters 4: Volume 4 , 1. URL [Accessed: 08.04.2019]This factsheet gives an overview how to choose a soil amendment. It talks about the application rate, organic or inorganic amendments, salt and pH content of the soil and if biosolids are safe to use as an amendment.
DAVIS, J.G. WILSON, C.R. (2005): Choosing a Soil Amendment. Fort Collins: Colorado State University URL [Accessed: 08.04.2019]This paper from the Safe Drinking Water Foundation (SDWF) in Canada, is a very informative source about how bottled water is regulated, whether bottled water is really safer than tap water and why we shouldn't drink bottled water.
SDWF (n.y): Bottled Water. Saskatoon, Canada: Safe Drinking Water Foundation (SDWF) URL [Accessed: 08.04.2019]This chapter reviews the recent history of and trends in bottled water, the regulations governing bottled water production and sale, and growing concerns about the costs and implications of bottled water use. It also addresses growing concerns in both industrialised nations where high-quality tap water is readily available and in poorer developing countries where the high cost of bottled water raises questions about equity and access to basic water services for all.
GLEICK, P.H. (2004): The Myth and Reality of Bottled Water. المُدخلات: GLEICK, P.H. ; (2004): The World's Water. The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources: 2004-2005. Washington, D.C.: . URL [Accessed: 08.04.2019]More general information about plants, soil, fertiliser and insect Colorado State University, basic knowledge about garden management