Critical article on the sustainability of burning biomass to produce terra preta for climate change mitigation.
KLEINER, K. (2009): The bright prospect of biochar. المُدخلات: Nature reports climate change: Volume 3 , 72-74. URL [Accessed: 11.05.2019]Library
Many people in developing countries rely upon untreated groundwater supplies for their drinking water (e.g. from drilled boreholes, tube wells, dug wells or springs). The introduction of on-site sanitation systems might lead to groundwater contamination. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on how to assess and reduce the risk of contamination of groundwater supplies from on-site sanitation systems and is aimed at those responsible for planning low cost water supply and sanitation schemes.
ARGOSS (2001): Guidelines for Assessing the Risk to Groundwater from On-Site Sanitation. (= Commissioned Report , 142 ). Keyworth: British Geological Survey URL [Accessed: 11.05.2019]This presentation introduces the new and innovative concept of the addition of charcoal; lacto-fermentation and subsequent vermicomposting to treat the products of urine diversion dry toilets. The new process is inspired by the practices of the pre-Colombian culture in the Amazonian region that produced highly fertile anthropogenic soil (terra preta).
OTTERPOHL, R. (n.y): a: Terra Preta Sanitation- full reuse in sanitation and bio-waste-management. Hamburg: Institute of Wastewater Management and Protection (aww), Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) URL [Accessed: 11.05.2019]This paper gives a short overview on the historical background and the formation of terra preta in the Amazon region. The composition of terra preta and the importance of charcoal and other ingredients for the formation and their carbon sequestration capacity are discussed. There is an outlook on how to recreate this very useful and nutrient rich type of earth in a synthetic way by mentioning current sources and studies.
GLASER, B. ; HAUMAIER, L. ; GUGGENBERGER, G. ; ZECH, W. (2001): The ‘Terra Preta’ phenomenon: a model for sustainable agriculture in the humid tropics. المُدخلات: Naturwissenschaften: Volume 88 , 37-41. URL [Accessed: 11.05.2019]This poster illustrates how to use Ecosan toilets and handle faecal compost in a safe way.
NETWAS (n.y): Proper Use and Safe Handling of Ecosan By-Products. Kampala: Network for Water and Sanitation (NETWAS) URL [Accessed: 11.05.2019]This article provides detailed information on terra preta, the historical background and the latest ideas and theories of creating a synthetic terra preta.
BALLIETT, A. (2007): Terra Preta. Magic Soil of the Lost Amazon. المُدخلات: Acres U.S.A. The Voice of Eco-Agriculture: Volume 37 , 16-18. URL [Accessed: 11.05.2019]The paper provides information on the discoveries of terra preta at various regions within the Amazonas area. The different soils are explained and historical background is given. Besides characteristics of the different soil types a classification is done. Results of different studies concerning the application of the pre-Columbian Indigenous techniques for sustainable land use and field and laboratory research are provided.
SOMBROEK, W. KERN D. RODRIGUEZ, T. CRAVO, M. S. da JARBAS, T. C. WOODS, W. GLASER, B. (2002): Terra Preta and Terra Mulata: pre-Columbian Amazon kitchen middens and agriculture fields, their sustainability and their replication. Thailand: Presentation of 17th WCSS URL [Accessed: 11.05.2019]The publication explains the purposes of urine diversion, its benefits and challenges, urine precipitation, urine treatment and reuse in agriculture. Further, it provides an overview on design and operational aspects for equipment needed, such as waterless urinals and urine diversion toilets including supplier information and indicative costs. Overall, it pulls together scattered knowledge around the topic of urine diversion in a concise manner.
MUENCH, E. von WINKER, M. (2011): Technology Review of Urine Diversion Components. Overview of Urine Diversion Components such as Waterless Urinals, Urine Diversion Toilets, Urine Storage and Reuse Systems. Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH URL [Accessed: 11.05.2019]The objective of this study was to investigate the suitability of terra preta sanitation (TPS) systems as an alternative sanitation option. The effects of lactic-aid conditions in urine-separation dry toilets and a subsequent treatment by vermicomposting are assessed. Research focused on analysing standard chemical and biochemical properties of the toilet products to evaluate their stability and maturity, and establish nutrient status.
FACTURA, H. ; BETTENDORF, T. ; BUZIE, C. ; PIEPLOW, H. ; RECKIN, J. ; OTTERPOHL, R. (2010): Terra Preta Sanitation: re-discovered from an ancient Amazonian civilisation - integrating sanitation, bio-waste management and agriculture. المُدخلات: Water Science and Technology, accepted for publication: URL [Accessed: 10.05.2019]This manual about stormwater management includes the three main topics “Hydrology and Stormwater Runoff”, “Site Planning and Nonstructural Approaches” and “Structural Best Management Practices”.
DEP ; CZM (1997): Stormwater Management. Volume Two: Stormwater Technical Handbook. Boston: MA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and MA Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]This presentation gives information on hydropower technology and contains some facts and figures on worldwide hydro power projects. It also shows some basis operations equations for hydropower, including some environmental, social and economic aspects to take into consideration in the construction phase of hydropower projects.
MIT (2005): Hydro Power – A Case Study. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Laboratory for Energy and the Environment URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]The guide is intended to provide engineers, ecologists and planners with up-to-date information and direction on landscape-based stormwater management planning and low impact development stormwater management practices such as rainwater harvesting, green roofs, bioretention, permeable pavement, soakaways and swales. The information contained in the guide will help practitioners adopt landscape-based stormwater management approaches, and will help select, design, construct and monitor more sustainable stormwater management practices.
TRCA ; CVC (2010): Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide. Downsview and Mississauga: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (CVC) URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]The ROSA project has been working on promoting resource oriented sanitation systems that focus on implementation of simple, cost effective and affordable sanitation units and carrying out research on these pilot units. This booklet attempts to provide practical information about the activities carried out by Arba Minch town ROSA project including information on the implementation and testing of greywater towers.
ROSA (2006): Arba Minch town ROSA project. Project Booklet. Resource Oriented Sanitation concepts for peri-urban areas in Africa. Ethiopia: Arba Minch University URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]This book is a historical account of the use of waterwheels in Newfoundland, Canada. It provides descriptions as well as technical drawings of the many types of waterwheels that were used in this region.
ROBERTSON, A. (2005): Water Power Sawmills in New Foundland. St John’s: Alexander Robertson URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]This factsheet provides a view on worldwide figures on hydropower such as total capacity, costs and potential and barriers to expand hydropower capacity in Asia, Africa and South America.
LAKO, P. (2010): Hydropower. (= Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme, Technology Brief E06 ). Paris: International Energy Agency URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]This guide brings together all the aspects related to developing of small hydropower ranging from business, engineering, financial, legal and administration. The document is presented in a step-by-step approach and is very helpful tool for practitioners and potential local developers of small hydropower scheme.
ESHA (2004): Guide on How to Develop a Small Hydropower Plant. Brussels, Belgium: European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA) URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]The Atlantis underground tank system is a modular sub surface system that can be constructed to hold any volume required. The sub surface location of the tank frees up space for landscaping or driveway use while also ensuring optimal conditions for retaining water is always maintained. Macro and micro pollutants are completely kept out of the system through an Atlantis Filtration Unit. It is used for infiltration, detention and to store roof top harvested rainwater.
ATLANTIS (n.y): Modular Underground Tanks System. Sidney: Atlantis URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]This document is a broad research study of the environmental effects of Tucuruı ́ Dam in Brazilian Amazonia.
FEARNSIDE, P. (2001): Environmental Impacts of Brazil’s Tucurui Dam: Unlearned Lessons for Hydroelectric Development in Amazonia. المُدخلات: Environmental Management : Volume 27 , 377–396. URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]This book describes how to construct Arborloo toilets and how it can be upgraded to VIPs at a later stage.
MORGAN, P. EcoSanRes (2009): Ecological Toilets. (pdf presentation). Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]These guidelines are intended to help municipalities, local authorities, consulting engineers, and developers in the planning and design of stormwater management systems in Alberta. They outline the objectives of stormwater management and the available methodologies and concepts for the planning, design, and operation of stormwater drainage systems. In addition to the water quantity aspects of stormwater management, the publication also describes some of the techniques that can be applied for quality management of stormwater.
ALBERTA ENVIRONMENT (1999): Stormwater Management Guidelines for the Province of Alberta. Edmonton: Alberta Environmental Protection URL [Accessed: 09.05.2019]