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27 April 2018

Financing USSWM


Selected Tools

            Budget Allocation and Resource Planning

            Financial Sustainability of WASH Services

            Public Private Partnerships

            Water Charges


Further Readings

Further Readings

100 percent Access by Design

This Practice Note from WSUP (Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor) describes an Excel-based financial analysis tool which generates reliable costings of different options for achieving 100% sanitation access across low-income and non-low-income areas.

WSUP (2013): 100 percent Access by Design . A Financial Tool for Urban Sanitation. (= Practice Note, PN#009, MAY 2013 ). London: Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) URL [Accessed: 18.06.2019]

Community-Driven Sanitation Improvement in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods

There is an international consensus that urban sanitary conditions are in great need of improvement, but sharp disagreement over how this improvement should be pursued. Both market-driven and state-led efforts to improve sanitation in deprived communities tend to be severely compromised, as there is a lack of effective market demand (due to collective action problems) and severe barriers to the centralized provision of low-cost sanitation facilities. In principle, community-driven initiatives have a number of advantages. This report investigates these challenges and opportunities.

MCGRANAHAN, G. (2013): Community-Driven Sanitation Improvement in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods. Research Report. London, Bangladesh: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (ICDDR), International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), WaterAid, Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity (SHARE) URL [Accessed: 17.06.2019]
Case Studies

Get to Scale in Urban Sanitation!

Taking urban sanitation to scale requires ‘scaling out’ models that work for poorer communities, and at the same time ‘scaling up’ sustainable management processes. This short note reports scale-out and scale-up experience from Maputo and Antananarivo.

WSUP (2013): Get to Scale in Urban Sanitation!. (= Practice Note , 10 ). London: Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) URL [Accessed: 22.04.2019]

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