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Train the Trainers

Training of Trainers Perspective image

Have you taken care of all logistics for your upcoming workshop? Do you have all materials readily available? How can trainings be planned, organised and carried out effectively? This is a perspective for trainers and facilitators supporting them to carry out workshops, trainings and capacity development courses based on the SSWM Toolbox. It contains material about pre-training preparation, facilitation, training methods and post training activities. Explore the related factsheets to find check-lists, guidance, tipps and helpful considerations for your water, sanitation and resources management events.  

Pre-training Preparations

How do you come up with the right agenda? Who should you invite? Explore the toolsheets in this section to design your workshop or training, promote…
10 Factsheets
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How do you help other learn and make things easy? Understand your role as a facilitator, achieve your workshop objectives and make sure your…
11 Factsheets
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Training Methods

Avoid a powerpoint overkill, if you want your participants to benefit from your event. Read through the descriptions of different training methods…
5 Factsheets
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Post Training Activities

The training course is over, your work isn't! Find some of the most important post training activities in the factsheets compiled in this section.
4 Factsheets
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Seating Arrangements

Seating along with related physical arrangements creates the foundation for meetings, programs and trainings. Often called room setups, they…

Setting Ground Rules

Whenever individuals meet, it is helpful to develop guidelines for positive interaction. Meaningful guidelines, often called "ground rules", provide…

Time Management

It is of prime importance to have the ability to effectively use the given time frame within a training course. Therefore, it is required to get to…

Managing Flipcharts

Flip charts, sometimes referred to as newsprint because of the type of paper used, have been around in training rooms for decades. They are a handy,…

Managing Coloured Cards

Using coloured cards is a creative means to manage group discussions effectively. On the one hand, discussions come to an end and to results quickly…

Presentation Tricks

Independent of the business field or context your working in, possessing adequate skills in order to give a comprehensive presentation is crucial and…


There are several teaching methods, but lecturing is the best known one. It is often used at schools and universities due to the large numbers of…

Group Works

Group work can lead to a spirit of cooperation, coordination. Groups can - under optimal conditions – achieve more than the same number of individual…


Discussions are an important interactive tool, helping participants to review and more deeply understand the course material, which is often…

Role Plays

Role playing is a useful technique for developing a broad understanding of a situation or approach, and to prepare oneself for different…

Training Evaluation

The main purpose of evaluating a training program is to gain knowledge about whether it has achieved or failed its objectives. Analysing the training…


Offering a training certificate is useful to the trainer because it allows you to leave a more lasting impression on those who you are training and…

Report of the Training

When a training or workshop has taken place, it is important to write a report about it to communicate the results to the participants, to reflect…

Training Follow-up

Follow-up is essential in all training situations as it provides participants with further support and skill development. Also, follow-up improves…

World Café

Finding consensus can be particularly difficult when a bigger group is involved. World Café is a group discussion technique applicable to group sizes…

The content of this perspective was compiled by seecon and is based on 20 years of experiences in facilitating trainings, workshops and events. The guidance provided in the factsheets of this perspective is meant to help trainers and facilitators to yield the best results, be it by effectively structuring learning processes for participants of training courses or through process oriented facilitation of participatory workshops or consultations.