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Sanitation Systems Perspective

Sanitation Systems Perspective

What is the Sanitation Systems Perspective?

It is an interactive version of eawag's Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies, a compilation of appropriate sanitation technologies, plus a tool for combining technologies in a full system.

The Perspective's popularity is its brevity - ordering and structuring a huge range of information on tried and tested technologies. As in the first edition we present only proven technologies that are appropriate for low- and middle-income settings. Also, we include only "improved" sanitation technologies, featuring safe, hygienic, and accessible sanitation. In this eCompendium Perspective we present the whole range of urban, peri-urban and rural technologies (e.g. from simple pits to conventional sewers).

The Compendium is also available in French, Spanish, Vietnamese and Nepalese – check the Eawag-Sandec page regularly for the publication of the Russian and Arabic editions!

Who is the target audience?

Engineers, planners, decision-makers, NGO staff and students concerned with sanitation in low and middle income countries.

What is the purpose?

A digital platform that offers easily accessible information and facilitates decision-making on sanitation systems and technologies.

How to Use

The eCompendium is divided into two main parts which are cross-referenced: 1) The Sanitation System Templates and 2) The Technology Information…
5 Factsheets
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This Compendium defines sanitation as a multi-step process in which human excreta and wastewater are managed from the point of generation to the…
4 Factsheets
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Sanitation Systems

This part of the Compendium explains in detail how the system templates are read and used, and includes a presentation of the different templates.…
9 Factsheets
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Sanitation Technologies

54 Factsheets
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A settler is a primary treatment technology for wastewater; it is designed to remove suspended solids by sedimentation. It may also be referred to…

Unplanted Drying Beds

An unplanted drying bed is a simple, permeable bed that, when loaded with sludge, collects percolated leachate and allows the sludge to dry by…

Urine-Diverting Dry Toilet (UDDT)

A urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT) is a toilet that operates without water and has a divider so that the user, with little effort, can divert the…

Pour flush Toilet

A pour flush toilet is like a regular cistern flush toilet except that the water is poured in by the user, instead of coming from the cistern above…

Human-powered Emptying and Transport

Human-powered emptying and transport refers to the different ways in which people can manually empty and/or transport sludge and solid products…

Motorised Emptying and Transport

Motorized emptying and transport refers to a vehicle equipped with a motorized pump and a storage tank for emptying and transporting faecal sludge…

Conventional Gravity Sewer

Conventional gravity sewers are large networks of underground pipes that convey blackwater, greywater and, in many cases, stormwater from individual…

Simplified Sewer

A simplified sewer describes a sewerage network that is constructed using smaller diameter pipes laid at a shallower depth and at a flatter gradient…

Single Pit

The single pit is one of the most widely used sanitation technologies. Excreta, along with anal cleansing materials (water or solids) are deposited…

Double Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP)

The double VIP has almost the same design as the single VIP with the added advantage of a second pit that allows it to be used continuously and…

Composting Chamber

Composting refers to the process by which biodegradable components are biologically decomposed by microorganisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) under…

Fossa Alterna

The Fossa Alterna is a short cycle alternating, waterless (dry) double pit technology. Compared to the [8239-double VIP] which is just designed to…

Urine-Diverting Flush Toilet (UDFT)

The urine-diverting flush toilet (UDFT) is similar in appearance to a cistern flush toilet except for the diversion in the bowl. The toilet bowl has…

Cistern Flush Toilet

The cistern flush toilet is usually made of porcelain and is a mass-produced, factory-made user interface. The flush toilet consists of a water tank…


An urinal is used only for collecting urine. Urinals are generally for men, although models for women have also been developed. Most urinals use…

Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies

The Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies was first published in 2008 during the International Year of Sanitation, and the Second Edition will be published in 2014. The document's popularity is its brevity - ordering and structuring a huge range of information on tried and tested technologies in a single document. As in the first edition we present only proven technologies that are appropriate for low- and middle-income settings. Also, we include only "improved" sanitation technologies, featuring safe, hygienic, and accessible sanitation. In this eCompendium edition we present the whole range of urban, peri-urban and rural technologies (e.g. from simple pits to conventional sewers).
Downloadable versions of the compendium are available in English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean (DPRK), Nepali and Arabic.
You can order a hardcopy or download the PDF here.

Funding Partners

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

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Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)











Created by

Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
seecon international gmbh
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The Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox