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27 April 2018

Local Governments for Urban Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management

Welcome to the SSWM Specific Topic Entry Page “Local Governments in Urban Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management” (STEP Local Governments)!

Completion on-going! Many factsheets, key resources etc. have been added recently. Check back regularly and send us your feedback.


Latest update: 17.06.2013

This is a Specific Topic Entry Page (STEP) to the SSWM Toolbox developed by the SSWM team in collaboration with the ICLEI European Secretariat. The STEP has been developed in the context of the ACCESSanitation – Accelerating City-to-City Exchange for Sustainable Sanitation project, part-financed by the European Commission.


Read more:

About the STEP Local Governments

Partners of the STEP Local Governments

Content overview of the STEP Local Governments

Read more about the STEPs

Read more about the SSWM Toolbox

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