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27 April 2018

About the STEP LG for USSWM

About the STEP Local Governments

The STEP Local Governments for Urban Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management has been developed with the aim of highlighting the interconnectivity between the different elements of the urban water cycle and the need to adopt an integrated and participatory planning approach in order to manage water more sustainably at the local level. More specifically, the STEP will offer the reader insights into:

  • The key interlinkages between different aspects of urban water management, such as sanitation, drainage and water supply, and the benefits of managing these holistically;
  • The importance of institutional coordination and political buy-in; and
  • The need for a long-term strategic planning process, including comprehensive stakeholder engagement.

The STEP is targeted at all actors involved in water management at the local level, as well as those who want to know about the topic more generally.


Read more:

Partners of the STEP Local Governments

Content overview of the STEP Local Governments

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