solution finder

27 April 2018

Planning & Process Tools Africa

There is surely no shortage of innovative solutions (see also implementation tools) to optimise local water management and sanitation systems. However, the tricky part is often the question on how do I plan and proceed in implementing those solutions?

Based on the classic project cycle, many organisations developed step-by-step participatory programming and planning frameworks or approaches to help you to find, select, implement and ensure the long-term sustainability of sanitation, water and hygiene interventions. What all frameworks and approaches have in common is that they all follow the idea that all the involved and affected people and groups should also be involved in the whole project planning and process. This is achieved not only by informing them, but by actively including the stakeholders in the exploring, demand creation, decision making, implementation and follow-up process to ensure the long-term sustainability of projects and programmes.

An even more exhaustive collection can be found in the planning and process tools introduction.

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