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Study on Solid Waste Management Options for Africa

Waste generation, both domestic and industrial, continues to increase worldwide in tandem with growth in consumption. In developed countries, per capita waste generation increased nearly three-fold over the last two decades, reaching a level five to six times higher than that in developing countries. With increases in populations and living standards, waste generation in developing countries is also increasing rapidly, and may double in volume in the current decade. If current trends continue, the world may see a five-fold increase in waste generation by the year 2025. A high proportion of the waste could be recycled by the urban poor generating income for themselves and protecting the environment. There is a need to develop an integrated approach where the public, private and community sectors work together to develop local solutions promoting sustainable solid waste management.

AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (2002): Study on Solid Waste Management Options for Africa. Abidjan: African Development Bank (ADB). Accessed: 13.03.2012] PDF