Module 4: Course Materials (audiotaped lectures)
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Module 4: Course Materials (audiotaped lectures)
Lecture: Water Supply in the North
There is a higher prevalence of incomplete water and sanitation services in the rural Arctic region compared to the overall national status of Arctic…
Lecture: Centralized Wastewater Treatment Systems in cold Climates
Unit processes in centralized wastewater treatment could be severely affected in colder climates; settling velocity reduces, lower activity of…
Lecture: Arctic Water Distribution & Wastewater Collection
Water and wastewater piping in cold northern climates must focus on keeping the water contained within them a fluid. Techniques to maintain fluidity…
Lecture: WWT in cold Climate - Natural Systems
This lecture gives examples of natural systems that work well in cold climates. However, systems based on soil infiltration are in general limited to…
Lecture: WWT in cold Climate - Source separating Systems
Source separation of wastewater means to collect two or more of the different wastewater fractions (urine, faeces and greywater) separately. Systems…
Lecture: Decentralized Greywater Reuse - Alaska Water Sewer Challenge
The Alaska Water Sewer Challenge was created to develop on-site a water and wastewater system that was less expensive than conventional piped…
Lecture: Wastewater Treatment in China`s severe cold Regions and future Development
This lecture shares characteristics of China's severe cold region sewage treatment plants. High emission standards in the region make it difficult to…
Lecture: On-site Wastewater Treatment Options in extreme Conditions
Source separation sanitation is a promising and feasible option in extreme living conditions, such as cold or hot climates, to solve pollution…
Lecture: Drinking Water in Nunavut
The Nunavut communities retrieve drinking water from surface water sources such as lakes, rivers and glaciers. Some communities experience climate…
Lecture: Wastewater Treatment in Nunavut (Canada) - Characterization and handling
Northern Canadian communities such as those in Nunavut are exempt from nationally regulated treatment standards and need to meet less strict…