Case study form a agricultural complex (containing farm, restaurant and slaughter house), which uses an integrated concept where wastewater and waste of the entire farm (agricultural activity, households, slaughter house and restaurant) are beneficially reused in a biogas plant. Today, about 10% of the German agricultural biogas plants are co-digesting household sewage along with the animal wastes. Unfortunately, the European standard for organic agriculture is not (yet) allowing this practise for certified agriculture.
MUENCH, E. MANG, H.P. SCHULTES, G. PANESAR, A. (2005): Ten years of operational experiences with the ecosan-biogas plant at a family-owned farm and restaurant in Germany. (= 3rd International Conference on Ecological Sanitation 23 - 26 May 2005, Durban, South Africa ). Pretoria: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) URL [Accessed: 13.04.2010]