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27 April 2018

SSWM University Course

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Welcome to the Specific Topic Page "SSWM for Universities" (STEP University)!
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Completion on-going! Many factsheets, key resources etc. have been added recently. Check back regularly and send us your feedback.

This is a Specific Topic Entry Page (STEP) to the SSWM Toolbox developed by the SSWM team in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Lifesciences (UMB), Tribhuvan University in Nepal and COMSATS University in Abbottabad (Pakistan). It has been designed for the students of the web based training course “Introduction to sustainable water and sanitation” conducted by these three universities. But it can also used by a larger audience learning or teaching in higher-education institutions from all over the world involved or interested in Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM).

The course is given annually by UMB and starts in August and ends in December. It is possible to take the course through the web and receive 10 ECTS credits from UMB. For more details on admission see:


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About the STEP University

Partners of the STEP University

Content overview of the STEP University

Overview of all STEPs

Read more about the SSWM Toolbox

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