Viktoria Falls in Zambia (SPUHLER 2012)
Here you find useful background information on African countries. At the moment, information on the following countries is available:
Sanitation and Hygiene in Africa: Where do we Stand?
This book takes stock of progress made by African countries through the AfricaSan process since 2008 and the progress needed to meet the MDG on sanitation by 2015 and beyond. It addresses priorities which have been identified by African countries as the key elements which need to be addressed in order to accelerate progress.This book is essential reading for government staff from Ministries responsible for sanitation, sector stakeholders working in NGOs, CSOs and agencies with a focus on sanitation and hygiene and water and Sanitation specialists. It is also suitable for Masters courses in water and sanitation and for researchers and the donor community.
CROSS, P. COOMBES, Y. (2013): Sanitation and Hygiene in Africa: Where do we Stand?. Analysis from the AfricaSan Conference, Kigali, Rwanda. London: International Water Association (IWA) Publishing URL [Accessed: 01.11.2013]