solution finder

27 April 2018

Content Overview

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What is the eCompendium?
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It is an interactive version of the  Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies, a compilation of appropriate sanitation technologies, plus a tool for combining technologies in a full system.

The Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies was first published in 2008 during the International Year of Sanitation, and the Second Edition was published in 2014.

The document's popularity is its brevity - ordering and structuring a huge range of information on tried and tested technologies in a single document. As in the first edition we present only proven technologies that are appropriate for low- and middle-income settings. Also, we include only "improved" sanitation technologies, featuring safe, hygienic, and accessible sanitation. In this eCompendium edition we present the whole range of urban, peri-urban and rural technologies (e.g. from simple pits to conventional sewers).

You can order a hardcopy or download the PDF here.

The Compendium is also available in French, Spanish, Vietnamese and Nepalese – check the Eawag-Sandec page regularly for the publication of the Russian and Arabic editions!


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Who is the target audience?
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Engineers, planners, decision-makers, NGO staff and students concerned with sanitation in low and middle income countries.

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What is the purpose?
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A digital platform that offers easily accessible information and facilitates decision-making on sanitation systems and technologies.

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