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27 April 2018

Create Library Entry

A library entry is either a simple reference or a ‘Further Reading’ document. The SSWM Toolbox offers four different library entry types – each one with different characteristics. Choose the type that suits the document best and stick closely to the rules.

More information: Have a look at the online manual Create Library Entries for more detailed information.


Type 1: Book or Miscellany

Type 1 is used for books and miscellanies (i.e. everything else than a chapter of a book/miscellany, a journal article or a weblink).

AUTHOR, INITIALS, and/or EDITOR’S NAME, INITIALS (Year): Title. Subtitle. Location: Publisher. URL: url [Accessed: DD.MM.YYYY]

Example for a book:

LIJPHART, A. (1999): Patterns of Democracy. Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.URL: [Accessed: 02.10.2010]


If the book or miscellany is part of a series, it additionally contains: (= Name of series, number or volume):

AUTHOR, INITIALS. and/or EDITOR’S NAME, INITIALS (Year): Title. Subtitle. (= Name of series, number or volume) Location: Publisher. URL: url [Accessed: DD.MM.YYYY]

Example for a book (as part of a series):

OSTRO, A. (1994): Estimating the Health Effect of Air Pollutants. A Method with an Application to Jakarta. (= Policy Research Working Paper, Vol. 1301). Washington: Samplepublisher. URL: [Accessed: 02.10.2010]



Type 2: Chapter of a Book / Chapter of a Miscellany

Type 2 is used for referencing specific chapters in a book or miscellany. Before adding a type 2 reference (chapter), the book/miscellany (containing the chapter) must be created first (as a type 1 library entry): Create Type 1 Library Entry: Book or Miscellany.

AUTHOR, INITIALS. (Year): Chapter Title. Chapter Subtitle. In: SAME as type 1

That means:

AUTHOR, INITIALS. (Year): Chapter Title. Chapter Subtitle. In: AUTHOR, INITIALS. and/or EDITOR’S NAME, INITIALS (Year): Book Title. Book Subtitle. Location: Publisher. URL: url [Accessed: DD.MM.YYYY]

Example of a chapter of a book/miscellany:

COOK, I. (2005): Participant Observation. In: FLOWERDEW, R. & MARTIN, D. (EDS.): Methods in Human Geography. A Guide for Students Doing a Research Project. Harlow: Prentice Hall. 167-188. URL: [Accessed: 02.10.2010]


If the book or miscellany (containing the chapter) is part of a series, the reference is extended by: (= Name of series, number or volume)

AUTHOR, INITIALS. and/or EDITOR’S NAME, INITIALS (Year): Chapter Title. Chapter Subtitle. In: AUTHOR, INITIALS (Year): Book Title. Book Subtitle. (= Name of series, number or volume) Location: Publisher. URL: url [Accessed: DD.MM.YYYY]

Example of chapter of a book/miscellany (part of a series):

SAMPLENAME, H. (1995): Introduction and Synthesis. In: TIESSEN, H. (Ed.): Phosphorus in the Global Environment: Transfers, Cycles and Management. (= Scope, Vol. 54). Chinchester: John Wiley & Sons. 1-6. URL: [Accessed: 02.10.2010]



Type 3: Journal Articles

Type 3 references include all sorts of articles from scientific journals, newspapers (also online), etc.

AUTHOR, INITIALS. (Year): Title. Subtitle. In: Name of the journal and number volume, page number. URL: url [Accessed: DD.MM.YYYY]

Example of a journal article:

BARROWS, H. H. (1923): Geography as Human Ecology. In: Annals of the Association of American Geographers 13, 1-14. URL: [Accessed: 14.09.1864]



Type 4: Link ‘Important Weblink’

Type 4 references are used EXCLUSIVELY for adding links (external websites) to the ‘Important Weblinks’ section in ‘Further Readings’.

URL [Accessed: DD.MM.YYYY]


Example of an important weblink: [Accessed: 10.10.2009]

This websites illustrates the water cycle with special consideration of water purification procedures.

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