solution finder

27 April 2018

Create a SSWM Factsheet

The SSWM Toolbox offers four types of factsheets: A, B, C and E:


A) Create Factsheet with Template A: Tools / Measure

Type A factsheets are used for “Planning & Process Tools and Implementation Tools” --> Software and Hardware. This type contains the fields “advantages” and “disadvantages”.


B) Create Factsheet with Template B: Train the Trainers

This content type is used to create general contributions in the “Train the Trainers” section.


C) Create Factsheet with Template C: General Contribution

Type C is for all factsheets that are not measures/tools (e.g. concept, background, introductions, etc.). This type does not contain the form fields “advantages” and “disadvantages”.


E) Create Factsheet with Template E: STEP Factsheet

Type E is similar to type C, but it’s used for STEPs and allows the upload of videos additionally to PowerPoint presentations.


More information: Have a look at the online manual Create Factsheets (manual) for detailed information about the specifications of each factsheet type and the procedures.

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