solution finder

27 April 2018

Manual - STEP Checklist

Author/Compiled by
seecon international gmbh


1) Budget Template Basic STEP

2) Tasks

3) (*) Workflow Factsheets

This Checklist is describing the budget and workflow for a “Model-STEP” according to the SSWM business model. The idea is, that it is individually adapted and optimised by the SSWM coordination and STEP responsible for each STEP.


Factsheet Block Title
1) Budget Template Basic STEP
Factsheet Block Body

(extended and adaptable version available as excel template)

SEECON 2013 Manual STEP 1

Factsheet Block Title
2) Tasks
Factsheet Block Body



SEECON 2013 Manual STEP 2

Factsheet Block Title
3) (*) Workflow Factsheets
Factsheet Block Body

Each new content/factsheet of the Toolbox goes through several steps. There is a well-defined workflow, which has to be respected in order to respect allocated man-hours:

Note: Compiler/Author = Trainee; Supervisor=Responsible STEP

SEECON 2013 Manual STEP 3

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