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27 April 2018

The SSWM Toolbox for Education Staff

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  • What is the SSWM Toolbox > click here
  • Essential Information for education staff > click here

SEECON 2010 Philippines Course

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The SSWM Toolbox
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Why a Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM) Toolbox?

Water resources are under increasing pressure today. This is not only due to increased consumption, but also to unsustainable and uncoordinated use. A lack of water severely hinders development. Yet globally, there is a lack of knowledge and capacity on sustainable technologies and on holistic approaches.

What is the SSWM Toolbox?

The SSWM Toolbox is to date the most comprehensive, free and open-source capacity building tool on water management and sanitation. It tackles the above-mentioned challenges in the water sector in three different ways:

  • it systematically structures, compiles and makes available existing knowledge.
  • it promotes innovative integrated and sustainable approaches that link water management, sanitation, wastewater management and agriculture.
  • It provides guidance to use the toolbox for own trainings (dissemination effects)

>> For more information, see our flyer or our FAQs or use the user manual.

What does the SSWM Toolbox contain?

The SSWM Toolbox is divided into six main sections. It contains

>> For more information, see our tutorial.

SEECON 2010 Philippines Course Practical

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Essential Information for Education Staff
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How can you use the SSWM Toolbox to deliver your own trainings?

The SSWM Toolbox offers a range of opportunities to be used in your own trainings. Specifically, we would like to mention the following:

  • The train-the-trainers (ToT) module is a compilation of tools that helps you to put together your own training. Though aimed primarily at SSWM  training courses, the resources can help you in preparing and delivering any training you wish. The ToT module is divided into four sections. Pre-training preparations comprises all the activities that you need to complete before a training starts (starting from analysing learning needs to logistics). Facilitation is a own small toolbox in itself, describing well-tried methods of facilitating trainings. Training methods provides a brief overview of different learning and teaching approaches, including their applicability. The last section is the post-training activities, where you will learn what you have to do after the training (preparing reports, evaluations etc.).
  • Ready-made PowerPoints: Throughout the SSWM Toolbox, you frequently find a PPT button, as shown below. This links you to a ready-made power-point presentations. In case you already have your training ready, and are lacking some inputs, you might find them there.

SEECON 2011 Print and PDF function

Print and PDF Function of the SSWM Toolbox

  • Print factsheets: Right next to the PowerPoint Button, you find the print button (blue). With this button, you can make a PDF file out of our online factsheets that will include the full content and the references
  • Training courses: Seecon, in cooperation with its partners, offers training courses in relation to Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management. We also offer Training-of-Trainers Courses. See “SSWM Courses” in the bottom line of the webpage.
  • Past course schedules: When planning a training, it is sometimes helpful to see how others have done it before. In the SSWM Courses section (bottom line), you can find a couple of examples of schedules from past training courses.


>> Contribute yourself! If you have additional training material, presentations, etc., please feel free to get in contact with us. We are happy to integrate your contributions where suitable. 

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