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Phase out a strategy for post emergency plan. Sheikhan IDP camp Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

In the Sheikhan camp, the classic hygiene promotion activities which occurred during the emergence phase of the camp consisted of creating WASH committees, providing hygiene promotion activities aimed at familiarising the population with latrine use and maintenance and basic body hygiene. To prepare for the longer term and anticipate decreasing available funds, ACF expanded the scope of WASH software activities towards full participation and to build up the capacity of the population. The tools use to build capacity included advocacy, accountability to the population, community participation, capacity building and behavioural change communication. ACF trained both the WASH committees of hygiene promoters as well as the WASH clubs from the members of the community to facilitate a progressively reducing active support in the community.

ACF (2014): Phase out a strategy for post emergency plan. Sheikhan IDP camp Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Duhok: Action Against Hunger URL [Accessed: 01.12.2016]