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Hygiene Promotion in Mwange Camp

The hygiene promotion in this Mwange camp in Zambia was implemented through the WATSAN. It was a success as it convinced the refugee population that hygiene was a priority. The project was based on approaches designed to build community will and decision-making power in individuals, families, and within the communities. It built the capacity of refugees in the operation and maintenance of the systems that were established and developed. The project worked to ensure the affected populations became aware of priority hygiene practices and had adequate information and resources to protect and enhance their health. Through assessment, the project identified hygiene promotion was marginalised by health professionals in preference of other cases and to meet immediate needs and that latrines design was not compatible with religious beliefs. To address this, hygiene promoters (preferentially women) were trained to fill this gap and the latrines were redesigned. The hygiene promotion programme used multiples avenues to promote handwashing, use of latrines, and waste disposal. Incentive programs were used to encourage good practices and it was found the practices continued after the incentives ran expired.

PHIRI, S. (2001): Hygiene Promotion in Mwange Camp. Lusaka: Red Cross Society URL [Accessed: 19.11.2016]