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Doro Refugee Camp, Comprehensive Needs Assessment Report. South Sudan

REACH is a joint initiative of two international non-governmental organizations - ACTED and IMPACT Initiatives - and the UN Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT). REACH carried out a comprehensive needs assessment of the Doro refugee camp, which is one of four refugee camps in Maban County in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State. The state houses an estimated 134,435 refugees who have fled primarily from Blue Nile State in neighbouring Sudan. The study consisted of a comprehensive census-style assessment at household-level, complemented by interviews with camp management and NGO staff working in the camp. The assessment was undertaken in close cooperation with UNHCR; Doro’s camp management, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC); and community leaders.

REACH (2015): Doro Refugee Camp, Comprehensive Needs Assessment Report. South Sudan. Geneva: Reach Initiative URL [Accessed: 27.02.2017]