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Introduction to the Kenya Initial Rapid Assessment (KIRA)

The aim of the KIRA is for a coordinated approach to assessments to cover the humanitarian community in Kenya, so that NGOS, UN, government, and donors and have a joint platform to share information, plans, best practice on assessments, reduce duplication of effort, use human and financial resources better, and capitalize on each other’s’ strengths. The inter-sector working group (ISWG) identified a gap in multi-sector assessment from the Real Time Evaluation (RTE) of the 2011 Horn of Africa drought. Addressing the gap of multi sector assessments was an agreed area of follow up to the RTE. A project was launched to support the development of a coordinated, multi sector rapid assessment mechanism, and this is how the Kenya Initial Rapid Assessment (KIRA) was born in response to expected election violence in 2013.

UNICEF (2012): Introduction to the Kenya Initial Rapid Assessment (KIRA). Nairobi: UNICEF Kenya country office URL [Accessed: 17.01.2017]