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Humanitarian Quality Assurance – Jordan: Evaluation of Syria crisis response

Oxfam became involved in the Za’atari Camp in Jordan to provide hygiene promotion services because lack of resources by UNICEF to fill this need. In the first year, the hygiene team collaborated with health actors in the Za’atari camp to conduct a comprehensives baseline surveys. Oxfam did this earlier than is typically done and this allowed them to assess needs early. In the initial phase, Oxfam focused on providing WASH facilities and then later included hygiene promotion interventions and disseminated information. They then created working groups for hygiene promotion, social mobilisation, and accountability working group. The social mobilisation element involved training and deploying a team of social workers to be present in the camp, promote ownership and maintenance of the WASH facilities being constructed, and develop a continuous dialogue with the refugees so that any concerns could be addressed. This allowed them to identify that soap supplies were insufficient and organised funding to fill this gap.

TURNBALL, M. (2015): Humanitarian Quality Assurance – Jordan: Evaluation of Syria crisis response. Effectiveness Review Series 2013/2014. Oxford: Oxfam URL [Accessed: 02.11.2016]