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Improving Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, Azraq Camp

UNICEF-ACTED, UNICEF, and World Vision International, and Relief International (RI) coordinated the hygiene promotion components and planned collaboratively as the Azraq camp in Jordan was built in 2013-2014. The primary focus was on providing hygiene items and promotion proper hygiene practices. Key activities in the early phase included distributing hygiene items and launching a hygiene awareness education campaign. The community mobilisation included within household hygiene awareness sessions, focus group discussions, and hygiene promotion through in schools. For a population of 10,0000 to 15,0000, 32 Syrian Hygiene promoters were selected and trained promote hygiene awareness in the camp population. The promotion focused on minimising risk practices of concern in the densely-populated camp.

RELIEF INTERNATIONAL (2016): Improving Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, Azraq Camp. Washington D.C.: Relief International URL [Accessed: 15.11.2016]