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Hygiene and sanitation practices amongst residents of three long-term refugee camps in Thailand, Ethiopia and Kenya

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) selected three long-term camps in which to work towards improving WASH service delivery. The Ethiopian Camp was established in 2001 with refugees from Eritrea; the Kenyan camp established in 1992 and had refugees from South Sudan, Ethiopia, DR Congo, Somalia; whereas the camp in Thailand was established in 1989 and had refugees from Burma. The IRC found that in terms of the distribution of hygiene items, soap was being distributed in Ethiopia at rate of 1 bar/person/month of body soap; in Thailand soap was being distributed at a rate of one kilogram of laundry soap per household/three months and four bars/person/three months. In Kenya, the distribution of soap had ceased several months prior to the study.

BIRAN, A. ; SCHMIFT, W. ; ZELEKE, L. ; EMUKULE; H. ; PARKER, J. ; PEPRAH, D. (2012): Hygiene and sanitation practices amongst residents of three long-term refugee camps in Thailand, Ethiopia and Kenya. In: Journal of Tropical Medicine and International Health: , 17:9. URL [Accessed: 10.11.2016]