Four recharge tests were conducted by injecting water from playa lakes through wells into the Ogallala Formation. Injection was by gravity flow and by pumping under pressure. At one site, 34-acre feet of water was injected by gravity and produced a significant increase in yield of the well. At a second site, gravity injection of only 0.58 acre-foot caused a significant decrease in permeability due to plugging by suspended sediment. At two other sites, injection by pumping 6 and 14 acre- feet respectively, resulted in discharge of water at the surface and in perching of water above the water table. Differences in success of recharge were largely due to aquifer lithology and, therefore, the type of permeability; the concentration of suspended solids in the re- charge water; and the injection technique.
BROWN, R.F. KEYS, W.S. (1985): Effects of Artificial Recharge on the Ogallala Aquifer, Texas. (= United States Geological Survey Water Supply Paper , 225 ). Alexandria: U.S. Geological Survey URL [Accessed: 23.04.2015]