The scope of this comprehensive new edition of Handbook of Biological Wastewater Treatment ranges from the design of the activated sludge system, final settlers, auxiliary units (sludge thickeners and digesters) to pre-treatment units such as primary settlers and UASB reactors. The core of the book deals with the optimized design of biological and chemical nutrient removal. The book presents the state-of-the-art theory concerning the various aspects of the activated sludge system and develops procedures for optimized cost-based design and operation. It offers a truly integrated cost-based design method that can be easily implemented in spreadsheets and adapted to the particular needs of the user.
VAN HAANDEL, A. VAN DER LUBBE, J. (2012): Handbook of Biological Wastewater Treatment. Design and Optimisation of Activated Sludge Systems, 2nd Edition. London: International Water Association (IWA) Publishing URL [Accessed: 16.04.2015]