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Integrity Management Toolbox for Zambian Water Sector SME. Description Integrity Risks

The Integrity Management Toolbox for Water Sector SME proposes a systematic bottom-up approach to tackling integrity issues of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Zambian water and sanitation sector. In an initial two-day workshop, the first six steps (Steps 1-6) are completed, defining priority actions to be taken in the Integrity Change Process. The last step (Step 7) is implemented within the SMEs during a period of several months or years depending on the complexity of the chosen integrity instruments. This description lists and describes integrity risks relevant to SME of the Zambian water sector.

CEWAS WIN WASAZA (2014): Integrity Management Toolbox for Zambian Water Sector SME. Description Integrity Risks. Willisau: CEWAS. [Accessed: 03.09.2014] PDF