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Integrity Management Toolbox for Zambian Water Sector SME. Manual for Coaches

The Integrity Management Toolbox for Water Sector SME proposes a systematic bottom-up approach to tackling integrity issues of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Zambian water and sanitation sector. In an initial two-day workshop, the first six steps (Steps 1-6) are completed, defining priority actions to be taken in the Integrity Change Process. The last step (Step 7) is implemented within the SMEs during a period of several months or years depending on the complexity of the chosen integrity instruments. This manual guides the coach, whose role is to train and coach the SME, step-by-step through the workshop programme and the following implementation phase.

CEWAS WIN WASAZA (2014): Integrity Management Toolbox for Zambian Water Sector SME. Manual for Coaches. Willisau: CEWAS. [Accessed: 03.09.2014] PDF