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Evaluation of the Anaerobic Baffled Reactor for Sanitation in Dense Peri-urban Settlements

In this study, the performance of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) in the treatment of domestic wastewater was assessed by extrapolating existing understanding of the characteristics of laboratory-scale ABRs to design a pilot-scale reactor. The report proposes improvements in ABR dimensions and installation in Guidelines for the design, operation and maintenance of an ABR treating domestic wastewater. Recommendations regarding the appropriateness of the system for different applications and suggestions for management and maintenance strategies were made.

FOXON, K. M. BUCKLEY, C. A. BROUCKAERT, C. J. DAMA, P. MTEMBU, Z. RODDA, N. SMITH, M. PILLAY, S. ARJUNG, N. LALBAHADUR, T. BUX, F. (2006): Evaluation of the Anaerobic Baffled Reactor for Sanitation in Dense Peri-urban Settlements. (= WRC Report No 1248/01/06 ). Pretoria: Water Research Commission. [Accessed: 21.08.2014] PDF