This study presents lessons that have been learned from the operation of pilot-scale constructed wetlands (CWs) for septage treatment since 1997. The experiments have been conducted by using three CW units planted with narrow-leave cattails (Typha augustifolia) and operating in a vertical-flow mode.
KOTTATEP, T. SURINKUL, N. POLPRASERT, C. KAMAL, A. S. M. KONE, D. MONTANGERO, A. HEINSS, U. STRAUSS, (2005): Treatment of Septage in Constructed Wetlands in Tropical Climate – Lessons Learnt after Seven Years of Operation. Duebendorf and Pathumthani: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science (Eawag), Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries (Sandec) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) URL [Accessed: 06.06.2019]