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Sanitation 21

Sanitation 21 presents an internationally recognized planning framework based upon key principles of sanitation planning and recommended process guidelines. Built upon practical experience and best practices, Sanitation 21 brings together decisions about technology and management options with stakeholder needs and preferences to help inform the choice of appropriate sanitation systems. It is written in non-technical language to be relevant to policy makers and practitioners who are interested in providing appropriate and affordable sanitation services and presents recommended activities to guide the development of a city sanitation plan. This revised version of the Sanitation 21 framework builds upon the increase in knowledge and experience in city-wide planning.

PARKINSON, J. LUETHI, C. WALTHER, D. IWA ; GIZ ; Eawag-Sandec (2014): Sanitation 21. A Planning Framework for Improving City-wide Sanitation Services. London: International Water Association (IWA) URL [Accessed: 16.06.2019]