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Ecological Sanitation in Peri-Urban Area of El Alto City, Bolivia

This case study describes the project of UDDTs construction in El Alto, Bolivia. The project was implemented in a peri-urban area with an estimated population of roughly 27,000, composed mainly of Aymara indigenous people. The technology applied is a UDDT toilet with container, treatment of grey water at the household level, and collective management of the urine and faeces. The EcoSan approach was chosen due to its basic principle of zero or minimal use of water, an important adaptation measure in the face of rising temperatures and other climate change impact, while closing loops of water and nutrients.

SUNTURA, C. SANDOVAL, B. (2012): Ecological Sanitation in Peri-Urban Area of El Alto City, Bolivia. Case Study of Sustainable Sanitation Projects. Eschborn/La Paz/Stockholm: Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Fundación Sumaj Huasi, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) URL [Accessed: 17.09.2013]