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Inefficient technology or misperceived demand

Demand is growing globally for appropriate technology and viable business solutions to pit-emptying and transportation services. There is a growing body of experiments on technological innovations in different contexts to find an effective solution. However, there is no one technology or business model that can be applied everywhere because of contextual difference and varied demand. A Vacutug-based emptying and transportation service has been introduced in an urban context in Bangladesh by WaterAid. However, this study suggests that despite enormous demand, this mechanical emptying and transportation service has not been successful because of technological inefficiency and other demand-related factors.

OPEL, A. BASHAR, M.K. (2013): Inefficient technology or misperceived demand. The failure of Vacutug-based pit-emptying services in Bangladesh. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing URL [Accessed: 07.08.2013]