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Energy Utilization in Crop and Dairy Production in Organic and Conventional Livestock Production Systems

Searching for livestock production systems with a high energy utilization is of interest because of resource use and pollution aspects and because energy use is an indicator of the intensification of production processes. Due to interactions between crop and livestock enterprises and between levels of different input factors and their effects on yields, it is proposed to analyse agricultural energy utilization through system modelling of data from farm studies. Energy use in small grains, grass-clover and fodder beets registered in organic and conventional mixed dairy farms was analysed and used together with crop yields in order to model energy prices on three Danish soil types.

REFSGAARD, K. ; HALBERG, N. ; KRISTENSEN, E.S. (1998): Energy Utilization in Crop and Dairy Production in Organic and Conventional Livestock Production Systems. In: Agricultural Systems: Volume 57 , 599-630. URL [Accessed: 05.12.2012]